Research / Instructional / Engagement Leave

A Research/Instruction/Engagement leave is requested when an employee needs to further research, participate in instructional opportunities, or become involved in engagement activities.  This leave is requested and approved within the SuccessFactors system (the same way that vacation time is requested). Leaves up to and including 22 consecutive work days must be approved by the supervisor and department head.  Leaves lasting more than 22 consecutive work days must also be approved by the Dean of the academic college, Human Resources Leaves Group, Sponsored Programs, and the Graduate School.  International requests are also approved by Global Support.  This includes research-related travel to laboratory, teaching-related travel to another college or university, engagement-related travel to a community, or professional development opportunities unavailable at the University. 

Additional information can be found on the RIE leaves page.

The leave must be approved prior to departure.