Going Global? Start Here...

There are many dedicated university professionals at Purdue to help you pursue your international engagement goals. When initiating global programs, projects and agreements, activities should be vetted through the appropriate channels depending on the scope and specific activities that you wish to pursue. The Office of Corporate and Global Partnerships and Global Support services have established the below process to appropriately pull in the right players to assist you. This will ensure both Purdue and its employees are compliant while achieving the larger global goals of the University.

From a global academic perspective, some items of consideration include: existing relationships with the international institution/entity; scope of the relationship (institution-wide, department focused, or faculty to faculty); desired activities with international partner (student/faculty mobility, research collaboration, etc.).

From a global business review perspective, some items of consideration include: the legal status necessary to accomplish the activity; permanent establishment and tax obligations in the foreign country; staff (local or US) stationed abroad; and local reporting and compliance requirements.

In order to begin the assessment of a global program or initiative the Global Intake Questionnaire (below) is the first step.  Once submitted, the global program review process will begin.

What type of international engagement is being pursued?

International agreement: Memorandum of Understanding, Letter of Intent, or Activity Agreement {click here}

Other International Activity: international grant, international project, international hiring need, etc. {click here}

 Due to the complexity of international programs, this questionnaire should be filled out as early as possible to allow for a full review prior to activity beginning. 

Global Support Review

When a Global Questionnaire is submitted, the Global Compliance Officer engages areas across campus to assist with the review and analysis. Depending on the answers on the questionnaire and the scale of the initiative, the project may also be discussed with the Global Resource Committee (who perform an operational review) and/or the Global Academic Committee (who perform a strategic/programmatic review). 

 Global Hub


Global Strategy

Below is the strategy that governs global program review and decision-making.  As new programs and initiatives are generated in the departments, they will filter their way up the pyramid based on the scale of the project.  For example, a faculty member traveling short term to a foreign country may only be reviewed at the bottom two levels while the decision to register Purdue or one of its affiliate entities in another country is a decision that goes all the way to the Board of Trustees. 

This process was designed to ensure that the who, what, why and how questions are being answered along the way while also ensuring the activity supports Purdue’s mission and in a compliant way.

Pyramid for Global Strategy