Who can serve as a PI?

All faculty (tenured, tenure‐track, research and clinical/professional) are automatically eligible to be Principal Investigators (PI). Others requesting to submit proposals as the lead Principal Investigator or lead Human Subject (IRB) studies must obtain special approval*. Requests are reviewed by the individual’s Department Head and approved by the Director of Sponsored Program Administration. Requests for approval should be communicated early in the process. This will allow time to review the situation for the appropriate approval.

Blanket approval should only be requested for staff in regular positions where serving as PI is part of the position duties and responsibilities. PI approval in most cases will only be granted to individuals in paid appointments. It is important to note that this only applies to the Lead PI role. The role of Co‐Investigator does not require approval.

PI status is required for (1) submitting a grant application as lead researcher and/or (2) submitting research for regulatory/IRB review within Purdue. Requests for PI status should be categorized into one of the following levels:


  • Individuals with this approval level may serve as PI on any sponsored project proposal or award and they may serve as PI on any human subjects (IRB) studies.

Blanket with Restrictions:

  • Individuals with this approval level may serve as PI on human subjects (IRB) studies only.
  • This approval level is also used to for individuals who are approved to serve as PI on sponsored project proposals or awards, but with a restriction (e.g. proposals related to a specific topic, non-research focused projects, etc.).

Project Specific:

  • Individuals with this approval level may serve as PI on a specifically identified sponsored project proposal or award only.
* Extension Educator staff positions in the Colleges of Agriculture or Health and Human Sciences are automatically eligible as lead PI’s for proposals with an extension or public service mission.

Approval for Non-Faculty PI Status

To obtain approval for any non-faculty employee to be a Lead PI, a request must first be submitted and approved by the Department Head. (https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3EIhUvUys81sSqy)

  • Name, email, and username of employee for whom the authorization is being requested
  • Reason or justification the employee should be authorized to submit
  • Individual’s employment classification
  • Individual’s credentials (CV must be attached)

Requests should also answer the following questions:

  • Which approval level is being requested?
  • Blanket, Blanket with Restrictions, Project Specific
  • Will graduate students be involved in the projects and who will provide supervision?
  • Has space been allocated for the project?

Once approved by the Department Head the request will be sent to the following:

  • Director of Sponsored Program Administration, Sponsored Program Services
  • Once PI status is obtained, insure you are familiar with what is expected for the Role as Principal Investigator

Once PI status is obtained, insure you are familiar with what is expected for the Role as Principal Investigator

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