Butler Center Say Success in Six
One of our main missions and visions as a center is to support women's success. We know the word "success" carries all kinds of meanings depending on context and experiences. We want to leverage the power of our vibrant, healthy, and impactful community and reimagine together what success can look like for us individually and collectively.The Butler Center community is launching our very own Say it in 6® initiative, entitled, "Say Success in Six," to share our own personal visions and definitions of success. Our version is not a competition, rather a fun and encouraging initiative so we can learn more about each other and share inspiration.
Check out our Butler Center community's photos and stories below for inspiration!
Impact through collaborating
on shared goals
Kris Acheson-Clair
Stay anchored when times
get hard
Destinee Boatman
Pivot, Learn, Grow, Engage,
Excel, Continue
De Bush
Successful growth
requires a quiet perspective
Julia Chester
Growth through practice,
purpose, and perseverance
Bhagyashree Katare
You are responsible for
your happiness.
Linda Mason
Knowing you are Fulfilling
your Purpose
Michelle McBrite
Success: We cheer each
other on
Kelsey Patton
Staying Authentic While
Achieving New Heights
Desmine Robinson
Learning to be fruitful amid
Katricia Sanchez
Personal Achievement,
Family, Faith, and Fun
Wendy Watson
Growth motivated by love,
not fear
Jen William
Fulfilling Calling with
Faithfulness and Joy
Sang Woo