December 18, 2020
The Arequipa Nexus Institute hosted its Third Annual Technical Workshop Series from October 26 to December 11. 13 workshops were held in an asynchronous virtual format, combining recorded presentations and lectures, live sessions, and assignments to enhance the attendee’s learning experience. A total of 157 participants from Purdue and UNSA registered for the sessions, accessed the learning materials in an asynchronous way, sharing questions and comments in live sessions with the instructors. After completing the modules, the participants who successfully completed at least 20 academic hours of work and successfully approved their workshop evaluations will be awarded technical certificates.
Read More about "Nexus Institute’s 3rd Annual Workshop Series successfully concludes fall sessions "
December 16, 2020
The Purdue University-affiliated Arequipa Nexus Institute for Food, Energy, Water and the Environment in Peru soon will be getting a permanent administrative home. On Dec. 3, the Universidad de San Augustín (UNSA) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the start of activities for the Science and Technology Park of Arequipa (PCT), the first institution of its kind in the country. Modeled after Purdue’s Discovery Park, the research technology park will house headquarters for the Arequipa Nexus Institute, underlining the continued impact and long-term nature of the collaborative project. “The park will provide the essential intellectual and physical infrastructure to ensure that UNSA plays a key role in Arequipa’s future,” said Theresa Mayer, executive vice president of research and partnerships, who recorded remarks for the ceremony. “These investments will also advance efforts to build regional economic resilience during a time when Peru and the world face common challenges.”
November 30, 2020
Purdue Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, Rakesh Agrawal, was the keynote speaker on UNSA'S first International Seminar of Chemical Engineering, Science and Technology on November 25 from 6:30-7:00 PM. He discussed the importance of sustainable sources of energy, and how to transition from a fossil fuel economy to an economy in solar energy. The Arequipa-Nexus Institute suggested Dr. Agrawal for this event due to his expertise and passion in energy production issues from renewable sources.
November 19, 2020
Arequipanexus researchers William Hutzel, Travis Horton, & Mark Zimpfer presented a paper on solar thermal collector laboratories this week at the virtual Peruvian Symposium on Solar Energy, held by the Peruvian Association of Solar Energy and the Environment & UNSA. The paper “Remotely Accessible Laboratory for Teaching and Research on Solar Thermal Collectors” discusses the test platform recently constructed at Purdue for evaluating the performance of solar thermal collectors.
November 16, 2020
A panel discussed the importance of research for UNSA and its new Tech Park. Dr. Rohel Sanchez, Rector of UNSA; MS. Jean-Louis Gelot, from Arequipa's Chamber of Commerce; and Dr. Victor Maqque, Program Manager of the Nexus institute; proposed key factors for promoting society impact oriented academic research at UNSA. Tech transfer in order to address fundamental problems of the region, ways to better integrate different actors capable of contributing, and the importance of a well-designed sustainable ecosystem for research with long-term impact, were discussed as critical in order to support UNSA’s goal to become a flagship public university in Latin America.
Nexus Program Manager Victor Maqque Discusses the Importance of Research and the New UNSA Technology Park in Panel
November 12, 2020
Peruvian congresswoman Rosario Paredes visited UNSA Rector, Dr. Rohel Sanchez, last week to discuss food security and industry. Mrs. Paredes, who is a member of the Agriculture Commission, highlighted the importance of The National University of San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA) academic expertise in policy making regarding food safety and security. The effort to establish a Center for Food Security at UNSA, is the result of the UNSA - Purdue partnership for research and development to improve the quality of lives in Arequipa, Peru. Dr. Sanchez stated that UNSA is responding to local, regional and national needs with the school of food industries, nutrition, strategic allies such as Purdue and that will need the cooperation of the local and national government.
Peruvian congresswoman visited UNSA to discuss food security and industry in Arequipa
November 11, 2020
The Nexus Institute’s Purdue-UNSA researchers from the project: “Capacity Strengthening for Postharvest Handling and Storage (CAST-PH) in Arequipa, Peru” just published a paper titled: “Postharvest practices, challenges and opportunities for grain producers in Arequipa, Peru” in PLOS ONE journal. Dieudonne Baributsa, associate professor of entomology at Purdue and Jaqueline Zanabria from the Universidad Nacional de San Augustin de Arequipa (UNSA) are the Principal investigators. They are the co-authors of the article, along with Professor Charles Woloshuk and Postdoctoral researcher Jorge Diaz-Valderrama from Purdue and Dennis Macedo, Nacy Orihuela, Victor Casa, and Nelly Ramirez from UNSA. In this international collaborative research, they surveyed Arequipa farmers, in the lowland and the highland regions, to examine local views and practices on drying and storage of crops during postharvest.
November 10, 2020
Drs. Amanda Deering, Haley Oliver, Oscar Galagarza, and Alejandra Ramirez from the Nexus project: "Development of Good Agricultural and Manufacturing Practices Trainings for Growers and Food Processors in Arequipa, Peru", are hosting the “Food Safety and Food Security sessions as part of the virtual Arequipa Nexus 3rd Annual Workshop Series with their UNSA colleagues: Mariel Alvarez and Maria del Carme Ortiz. The modules focus on training UNSA participants on safe food production, processing practices to minimize bacterial contamination and on the use of traditional and molecular detection techniques to evaluate bacterial contamination in foods. The participants watch the recorded lectures and complete an assignment on the following topics: agriculture and manufacture practices, lab techniques in food microbiology.
November 6, 2020
Recently, PICS made forays into Central and South America, mainly Peru, with the work of C4E Affiliate Dieudonne Baributsa.
November 4, 2020
In October, the Peruvian National Congress unanimously approved the creation of the Parque Cientifico Tecnológico de Arequipa, the first such institution in the country. This techno park, once constructed, will be the administrative home for the Arequipa Nexus Institute—underlining the continued impact and long-term nature of this collaborative project.
Read More about "Arequipa Nexus News: Techno Park receives Congressional Backing "
Lori Hoagland
Professor, Purdue University
Horticulture And Landscape Architecture
Nexus Institute Co-Director
Walter Daniel Leon-Salas
Associate Professor, Purdue University
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Nexus Institute Co-Director
Dennis Macedo
Associate Professor, UNSA
Nexus Institute Co-Director