
Our rates vary according to the number of samples and what needs to be done to the samples. If you have questions, please feel free to give us a call at 494-6540.

Service Internal Customers Consortium*
External Customers**
4800 MALDI TOF/TOF MS (Sciex) $46/hr $31/hr $92/hr

Orbitrap Exploris

$46/hr $31/hr $138/hr

Q-Exactive Orbitrap HF MS (Thermo Scientific)

$63/hr $48/hr $138/hr

Orbitrap Fusion Lumos (Thermo Scientific)

$63/hr $48/hr $138/hr

TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole MS (Thermo Scientific)

$46/hr $31/hr $83/hr
Triple TOF 5600+ $46/hr $31/hr $109/hr
Labor $74/hr $42/hr $140/hr

*Consortium members include Chemistry, MCMP, Center for Plant Biology, and Center for Cancer Research

**For corporate rates, please inquire