Contact Student Services

In this section is listed services our student team provides to international students admitted to a Purdue University degree program.

International faculty, staff, postdocs and scholars holding visa status where the primary activity is employment or research (such as H-1B, e-3, TN, O-1, J-1 Research Scholar, J-1 Short-Term Scholar, or J-1 Visiting Undergraduate Student) should refer to Contact Scholar Services.


Student Services Phone

Call 765-494-5770 to speak with a student counselor, available by phone at the times below (except during University holidays). Have PUID ready. 

Monday - Wednesday; Friday 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Monday to Friday 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Note that student counselors are unavailable Thursday mornings.

Ask Student Counselor (ASC)

To obtain a written response from a student counselor about F and J student regulations pertaining to F-1 and J-1 students and their dependents, submit eform MyISS>General Services>Ask Student Counselor

Student WebEx Drop-in Sessions

WebEx Drop-ins are intended for matters regarding F-1 and J-1 student regulations that can be addressed in 10 minutes or less. Upon clicking the WebEx link, students wait in a virtual lobby; student counselors admit students on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Click here to attend an ISS WebEx Drop-in at the times listed below. (Service not available during University holidays.) Have PUID ready.

Monday - Wednesday; Friday 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Thursdays 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Quick Question and Answer (QQA)

Actively enrolled international students may schedule a 15-minute in-person Quick Question and Answer session (QQA) with a student counselor on our QQA scheduling site.

  • Please do not schedule a QQA session to pick-up an immigration document. Instead, follow instructions below “Student Documents Ready to Collect.”
  • We will not offer travel signatures during QQA sessions. Please request travel signatures as explained on F-1 Travel Abroad or J-1 Travel Abroad

Scheduling a QQA session

Please sign up for only one session. If the student counselor determines that more time is needed, they will make arrangements with the student during the QQA session.

  1. Go to our QQA scheduling site
  2. Find the location matching your student program (choices are West Lafayette or Indianapolis)
  3. Scroll down the list of available the dates and times to find a desired selection
  4. Next to that selection, click on the green "Sign-Up Required" button
  5. Log-in using BoilerKey
  6. Fill in the requested information and click sign-up.

You will receive an email confirmation for the QQA session that you selected. The QQA session allows up to 15 minutes for an in-person question & answer session with a student immigration counselor.

Upon arrival, follow below "Instructions for Student In-Person Services.”

Student Documents Ready to Collect

Students who have received an email that an ISS-generated student document is ready can collect their document during these times according to their site of instruction.

West Lafayette Document Collection Times

Those whose site of instruction is West Lafayette should go to Young Hall 5th Floor during these times:

Monday to Friday 9 AM to 11:30 AM

Monday to Friday 1:30 PM to 4 PM

Indianapolis Document Collection

Those whose site of instruction is Indianapolis should follow instructions in the email regarding the time and place to collect their documents.

Please follow "Instructions for Student In-Person Services" below to collect your document.  

Instructions for Student In-Person Services

Please do not visit our office if you are ill, or if you have been ill in the past three days, or you are exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms that could be associated with COVID-19.

Please note to avoid overcrowding in our office and building, we will no longer offer unscheduled, in-person sessions: you must have confirmation of a scheduled in-person session or document to collect.

If collecting a document, you must collect the document yourself. No one else is permitted to do so. Please do not bring friends when collecting documents unless they are also going to join the queue to collect their own documents. 

Students must bring Purdue ID card.


Emergency Contact Number

International students, faculty and staff who are currently at Purdue and who have an emergency situation, such as a lost or stolen passport, may call for assistance when the ISS office is not open for business.

Applicants for admission may not use this number to inquire about admission status or the status of the issuance of a Form I-20 or Form DS 2019. Please instead refer to these pages:

Undergraduate Admissions

Graduate School Admissions

Incoming Students

Please do not use the emergency phone number to inquire about travel signatures or lost or forgotten I-20s. In such cases, please refer to the appropriate page below according to your immigration status.

F-1 Travel Abroad

J-1 Students Travel Abroad

The emergency phone line is not monitored during normal business hours or between the hours of 10:00 PM EST and 7:00 AM EST.

After Hours-Emergency Phone: (765) 491-6759