Offer and invitation are more than merely correspondence - they are legally binding contracts that must be correct. Provost letter templates have been drafted in collaboration with the Office of Legal Counsel and others to ensure that the templates both include the necessary provisions and discuss the necessary elements using consistent, appropriate language. The alternative to not using the established template is to have the Office of Legal Counsel review each offer or invitation prior to approval, which would be an onerous and time-consuming task.
Templates use a variety of font color and other tools to differentiate between required content, optional content, and directions:
Questions about Provosot letter templates, and edits to templates, should be directed to Lisa Mauer and Amy Boyle within the Office of the Provost.
ISS reviews letters received to ensure they are in line with approved Provost templates. In general, sections should be deleted only if irrelevant by definition – eg. Sections that are irrelevant to a particular offer – i.e., FY language for an AY appointment – can be deleted. This is determined by the decision points in bold black text and square brackets, as mentioned above. If a situation fits within the parameters of the decision point, or if language is not indicated as optional, then the section should not be deleted.