Please add your name to our email list to receive email updates on Presentations; Local meetings or outreach; Changes or expansion of PISA Services; Changes to PISA service procedures; Changes to immigration rules; Changes to International Scholar Services procedures for processing requests; Other relevant news and information; or more!
PISA depends on having accurate contact information for all colleges, departments and partners. Colleges and Divisions must provide updates of all departmental, business/finance, college and other key personnel to PISA not less than twice a year. For changes that occur outside of the bi-annual updates, please email Diane Lewis to update information with PISA about changes in contacts. Failure to notify PISA of changes in key contacts may delay case requests.
PISA Services include-
Each College or Division is assigned specific PISA Specialist(s) who manage the ISS-related administrative services for that unit, and who are familiar with the unique needs and concerns of their assigned units.
For more instructions about how to work with PISA, please see-
Certain colleges have determined that they will utilize centralized Department Contacts who will be responsible for submitting to PISA the Intake Forms needed to initiate requests. Please see our webpage for Department Contacts to see if your College has a Department Contact. If your college does not have a Department Contact structure, then the host or hiring manager is responsible for submitting the request to PISA (ISS).
If you are a prospective or current host/hiring manager of an international:
International scholars and employees cannot submit requests for themselves; your host or supervisor must submit the request, comprising an Intake Form with the required Departmental signatures.