PISA depends on having accurate contact information for all colleges, departments and partners. Colleges and Divisions must provide updates of all departmental, business/finance, college and other key personnel to PISA@purdue.edu. Failure to notify PISA of changes in key contacts may delay case requests.
PISA Services include-
Host faculty / supervisors are responsible for submitting requests to PISA (who receives the requests on behalf of International Scholar Services).
Purdue's administrative structure is highly decentralized. Please note that, even though you might have already involved HR, or SuccessFactors, or Global Support in a query (and/or obtained approval for that query), that does not notify ISS of the issue in question, and does not mean that ISS has approved the immigration elements that may be within the issue.
ISS has no way of knowing about any international person, or any issue or change associated with an international person, until we are told by the host or hiring manager.
For more instructions about how to work with PISA, please see-
Certain colleges have determined that they will utilize centralized Department Contacts who will be responsible for submitting to PISA the Intake Forms needed to initiate requests. Please see our webpage for Department Contacts to see if your College has a Department Contact. If your college does not have a Department Contact structure, then the host or hiring manager is responsible for submitting the request to PISA (ISS).
If you are a prospective or current host/hiring manager of an international:
International scholars and employees cannot submit requests for themselves; your host or supervisor must submit the request, comprising an Intake Form with the required Departmental signatures.