10 Ways to Care for Your Physical & Behavioral Health

This article is part of our series for Beyond the Surface, our NEW call to action to normalize mental health struggles and prioritize mental wellness in all of our lives. Information will continue to be shared via email, Purdue Today and future Healthy Boiler newsletters on Beyond the Surface! 

What affects the mind impacts the body — and vice versa. Although you may think of the mind and body as separate, your behavioral and physical health are actually interconnected. Even if you can’t see behavioral health struggles, the body is likely experiencing signs. Likewise, if you have chronic or significant physical health issues, it can take a toll on your mental health. So, if you want to improve your overall health and well-being, you should take care of both your physical and behavioral health. 

Here are 10 ways to take care of your physical and behavioral health: 

  1. Get regular exercise: Not only does it keep you physically fit, but it can also improve your mood.
  2. Eat a balanced diet: A diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in processed sugars and fats can make you feel better physically and mentally.
  3. Get enough sleep: A good night’s rest is everything — and most adults need seven to nine hours to feel truly rested.
  4. Try relaxation techniques: Meditation, deep breathing and mindfulness all help calm your nervous system (Tip: Our Healthy Boiler Portal offers meditation courses under the University tab.)
  5. Connect with others: Social connections make you feel good mentally. Bonus: They can also lower anxiety and depression, regulate your emotions and improve your immune systems.
  6. Give the benefit of the doubt: Most people are doing the best they can. When you extend grace or assume the best, it will positively impact how you respond.
  7. Help others: Volunteering in the community benefits you as much as the organization to which you’re donating your time and talent.
  8. Avoid negative outlets. Alcohol or drugs can add to your stress. Some people are also triggered by social media.
  9. Take a break: Find an activity that allows you time to not have to think about the stressors in your life, such as reading, watching a movie, exercising, etc.
  10. Seek professional help: Talking with a trained counselor can help you process emotions, learn how to respond and develop coping strategies.

Need Help? Tap into these Resources.

  • Health Plan: Purdue’s health plan coverage for mental health conditions includes medication, office visits, testing, in-patient and outpatient treatment. In addition, Purdue’s prescription coverage does not specifically exclude any drug categories for mental health.See behavioral health referrals for a Tier 1 (HealthSync) or Tier 2 (in-network) provider. Additionally, all Purdue health plans have parity (Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity).
  • LiveHealth Online Behavioral Health: Anthem’s virtual healthcare service also includes visits with therapists and psychiatrists.
  • SupportLinc (username: purdue): Through our behavioral health partner for West Lafayette benefits-eligible employees and dependents, you can receive free and confidential counseling sessions. Purdue Northwest and Purdue Fort Wayne also have behavioral health partners for benefits-eligible employees and covered dependents.
  • Learn to Live: Digital tools — built on the proven principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy —that can help you identify thoughts and behavior patterns and then learn to manage stress, depression, anxiety, substance use and sleep issues.
  • Mental Health Resources Web page: This hub lists the mental health resources Purdue and surrounding communities have available to employees.


Questions about behavioral health resources and insurance coverage can be directed to Human Resources at 765-494-2222, toll-free at 877-725-0222 or via email at hr@purdue.edu.