BGR Schedule

Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) will be taking place from August 15-19, 2023, with move-in from August 13-15. Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) will be taking place in the days leading up to BGR, from August 12-14, 2023, with move-in on August 11. BGR and BGRi help facilitate peer-to-peer interaction and immersive experiences of campus prior to the start of the fall semester. 

Listed below are many of the activities you will participate in during BGR(i). Please note that this is not the full BGR schedule.  A daily schedule of events will be available via the Purdue Guide App starting on or around August 2, 2023.

BGR Programming

Boiler Gold Rush has been Purdue's welcome week experience for nearly 30 years. Well over 100,000 Boilermakers have taken part in this tradition to get them a strong start in their first semester. This year, sessions will include: 

  • Move-in & Check-in: Students living on campus will move-in to their assigned residence hall, and select a time between Aug. 13-15 to do so. For move-in information, please visit the Purdue University Residences website. After moving in, students and their families will go to the France A. Córdova Recreational Sports Center (Co-Rec) to check-in for BGR.
  • BGR Opening Ceremony: New students are invited to attend the official opening to Boiler Gold Rush 2023 in Purdue's Elliott Hall of Music. Parents and families will be able to watch the first 15 minutes of the ceremony virtually. A link to the livestream will be sent via email before the start of BGR.
  • Diversity - The Boilermaker Way: Led by the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at Purdue, this session sets out to introduce new Purdue students to the importance and prevalence of cultural acceptance, diversity, and inclusion on campus.
  • Freedom of Expression: Purdue University is committed to free and open inquiry in all matters, and it guarantees all members of the University community the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn. This session will educate new students on Purdue’s responsibility to Freedom of Expression, showing the ability of members of the University community to engage in such debate and deliberation in an effective and responsible manner.
  • Academic Success: To reach the giant leap of graduation, there are many small steps students take along the way. In this session, students will learn about the ins and outs of the classroom experience, general university terminology, and tips for navigating a successful academic career at Purdue.
  • B-Involved Fair: New students will connect with student clubs and organization and learn about the different ways to get involved at Purdue. We encourage all students to visit Boilerlink before arriving to campus in order to learn more about ways to get involved at Purdue.

New Student Groups

New students will participate in BGR and BGRi activities in groups of 10-20 new students led by a BGR Team Leader (TL). A Team Leader is an upper-class student who is knowledgeable about campus and its many resources. They will guide your group through the week of BGR(i) together and be your go to resource during that time.

All new students will receive an email from their TL on or around Aug. 11 to welcome them to BGR(i). All new student groups will be a part of a BGR Hall Team. Hall Teams are determined by where you live on or off campus and are meant to encourage community and friendly competition throughout the week! More information on Hall Teams will be shared via email in August.

Last updated: March 2025

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