Purdue Welcome

New beginner and transferstudents are welcomed "All Aboard Purdue" through a four-step orientation experience. The final step is Purdue Welcome, where students have the opportunity to participate in the program that best fits their situation.

West Lafayette and Indianapolis Orientation Programs

Boiler Gold Rush

Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) is our welcome week orientation program for all new undergraduate students. BGR takes place the week before fall classes begin, and Purdue encourages all incoming students to take part, first years and transfers.

BGR West Lafayette Website BGR Indianapolis Website

Boiler Gold Rush International

Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) is a supplemental orientation program specifically designed to meet incoming international undergraduate students' unique needs and concerns. This program provides information and tips to help new international students be successful at Purdue.

BGRi Website

Additional West Lafayette Orientation Programs

Boiler Cold Rush

Boiler Cold Rush is our welcome weekend orientation program for new undergraduate students admitted to Purdue for the Spring semester. Boiler Cold Rush takes place the weekend before Spring classes begin, and Purdue encourages all incoming students to take part as well as any student new to the residential experience in the spring.

Boiler Cold Rush Website

Additional West Lafayette Welcome Programs

Purdue "All-American" Marching Band Camp

Students participating in the Purdue “All-American” Marching Band will be in camp during Boiler Gold Rush and are unable to attend BGR. To learn more about the experiences for prospective students interested in the Purdue “All-American” Marching Band, visit their website below.

"All-American" Marching Band Website
Purdue Musical Organizations (PMO)
  • Several Purdue Musical Organizations have obligations during Boiler Gold Rush which affect a student’s ability to participate in BGR.
    • Camps for the Purdue Varsity Glee Club and Purduettes overlap, and members of these ensembles are unable to attend BGR.
    • Although camp for the Purdue Bells overlap, members of this ensemble can attend BGR.
Purdue Musical Organizations Website

Last updated: March 2025

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