Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a list of our frequently asked questions about this upcoming fall. This page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available. Don't see your particular question? Feel free to email us at to request more specific information, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Jump to: Purdue 101 | Purdue 102 | Advising | Boiler Gold Rush | Boiler Gold Rush International | Boiler Cold Rush

Purdue 101 Questions

What is Purdue 101?

Purdue 101 is our required online orientation program for all new undergraduate students. This program takes place in Brightspace, a system where you will see all of your course information each semester.

When will Purdue 101 begin? How long will I have to complete it?

Purdue 101 will open to all students on May 2, 2025. Purdue 101 can be completed at your own pace but must be completed before students can register for courses. The deadline for Summer Beginners is June 2, 2025, and June 16, 2025, for Fall Beginners. It is recommended that students complete Purdue 101 as soon as possible.

How do I access Purdue 101?

Students will log in to Purdue’s Brightspace learning management system to complete the Purdue 101 modules at their own pace. Click here to access Brightspace, and click the “Purdue University – West Lafayette” section to log in with your Purdue career account information. Brightspace can also be accessed through the Pulse App, which can be downloaded on the App Store or Google Play.

How do I log in to Purdue 101?

Incoming students will be able to log in to Purdue 101 using your career account username and password. Then you will need to confirm the log in using the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone within 15 seconds.

If you need help logging in to Purdue 101, contact Purdue IT at 765-494-4000.

Do I have to register for Purdue 101?

You do not! Students are automatically enrolled in Purdue 101 one to two days after they accept their offer of admission.

I need help with / have questions about Purdue 101. Who can I contact?

For Purdue 101 specific questions, please reach out to us at Please also read the remainder of this FAQ page, as your question may already be listed.

What’s the best way to stay updated with everything that I need to know about orientation?

The Orientation Programs website will be updated consistently between now and the beginning of the Spring semester. Updates will also be shared on our social media accounts @allaboardpurdue or Purdue Orientation, so go ahead and follow us!

The Orientation Programs team will also send emails to your Purdue email account with important updates, so review your Purdue email on a consistent basis.

I am an international student. Who do I contact if I have a question about my immigration status?

For questions about your immigration status you can email or call 765-494-5770.

Purdue Advising Questions

How will I register for my classes?

Once students finish Purdue 101, they will be prompted to fill out the Student Information Form (SIF) which will alert an academic advisor of the student’s Purdue 101 completion. Academic Advisors will then reach out to students with availability to set up a virtual advising appointment, where they will work with students to pre-register for courses. Make sure to schedule your appointment from numerous weeks of availability as soon as possible to secure your time accordingly.

Who do I contact about my status as a Purdue student?

Many popular questions have been answered on the Admissions Frequently Asked Questions page, so please check this out! You can also email, or call 765-494-1776 if you have other questions.

How do I connect with an academic advisor?

After students complete the first part of their Purdue 101 experience, Academic Advisors will reach out to students with availability to set up a virtual advising appointment.

Purdue 102 Questions

When will Purdue 102 begin? How long will I have to complete it?

Purdue 102 will open to Summer beginners on June 2, 2025, and June 23, 2025, for all Fall beginners. Purdue 102 can be completed at any pace, but must be completed before arriving on campus.

How do I access Purdue 102?

Students will log in to Purdue’s Brightspace learning management system to complete the Purdue 102 modules at their own pace. Click here to access Brightspace , and click the “Purdue University – West Lafayette/Indianapolis” section to log in with your Purdue career account information. Brightspace can also be accessed through the Pulse App, which can be downloaded on the App Store or Google Play.

How do I log in to Brightspace?

Incoming students will be able to log in to Purdue 102 using your career account username and password. Then you will need to confirm the log in using the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone within 15 seconds.  If you need help logging in to Purdue 102, contact Purdue IT at 765-494-4000.

Do I have to register for Purdue 102?

You do not! Students are automatically enrolled for both Purdue 101 and 102 courses according to the All Aboard Purdue timeline.

I need help with/have questions about Purdue 102. Who can I contact?

For questions specific to Purdue 102, please reach out to us at .

I am having issues with the MyStrengths process, what should I do?

New beginners take the myStrengths assessment as part of their Purdue 102 course, however, myStrengths is not conducted by the Orientation Programs office. For more details about the myStrengths assessment, visit the website or contact the Roger C. Stewart Leadership & Professional Development Department via email at

I am having issues with the Respect Boundaries Brightspace course. What should I do?

The Respect Boundaries course is not part of the Orientation Programs process. If you need support completing the course, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance Education at .

Boiler Gold Rush Questions

When does move-in start for Boiler Gold Rush 2025?

This year, Boiler Gold Rush will be taking place from Aug. 19-23, 2025. Students will be able to move into their residence halls from Aug. 17-19 in West Lafayette and Aug. 18 in Indianapolis.

When do meals start for BGR student participants?

Meals start as soon as the student is checked in to the BGR program on their day of move-in.

What should I wear during Boiler Gold Rush?

You will be doing a lot of walking throughout the week, so you will want to wear comfortable shoes. August in Indiana is often very hot (80-90 degrees, Fahrenheit), so be sure to wear clothing suitable for hot weather. We recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing that allows you to participate in a variety of activities comfortably.

How does Purdue ensure that BGR programming is accessible to all students?

Purdue Orientation Programs is dedicated to ensuring that its programs are accessible to all people. Accessibility is never an afterthought, and all incoming students can expect to be able to participate fully in Purdue Orientation. Visit our BGR Accessibility page to learn more about closed captioning and the BGR Sensory Guide. If you would like more information about accessibility at Purdue in general, please visit the Disability Resource Center (DRC) website.

If I am living off-campus or am a transfer student, will I be in a group with other off-campus or transfer students?

Yes. Students are grouped according to living arrangements to create community. Transfer students will be paired together as well.

If I am living in a University Residence Hall, will I be in a group with my roommate?

Potentially. Teams are created at random based on your area of living. You will have peers on your team from your residence hall and halls close to yours. You may even have some off-campus students, too! It’s important to meet and greet with all kinds of peers during BGR.

Will I need extra money for Boiler Gold Rush?

There are no additional costs associated with the BGR program outside of the registration fee, unless you choose to purchase personal items.

If I’m living off campus and commuting to BGR programming each day, will I have to pay for parking?

No, students living off campus (not in University Residences housing) will be able to park at a designated location at no cost during the program only. Parking locations will be shared early August before the start of the program. Parking enforcement will resume in traditional ways after Boiler Gold Rush International and Boiler Gold Rush concludes.

What should I do before I arrive at BGR?

Besides packing and preparing for the start of school, you will need to complete Purdue 102 in Brightspace (available in June). All topics will be discussed during BGR; however, there is one topic that will direct you to complete a 'myStrengths' assessment. Make sure you complete the myStrengths Assessment in the Finishing Up Purdue 102 section, under the Purdue 102 Checklist before you arrive at BGR.

I’m an ROTC student, a member of Purdue Bells, or participating in the Jump Start program through Dining and Culinary and will have commitments the week of BGR – should I still participate in BGR?

Yes! We recommend registering for the program because our office coordinates with each program to make sure you’re able to participate in aspects of both programs without any issues.

I will be participating in Early Start on campus this summer? Should I still do Boiler Gold Rush in August?

Absolutely! BGR will further your understanding of Purdue’s campus, facilitate connections with students in your academic major who are starting in the fall, and teach you much more about the many resources and offices that exist to support students beyond your first summer on campus.

Will I still receive a proper orientation if I can’t participate in BGR due to being a part of the Purdue “All-American” Marching Band Camp, a Purdue Athletics team, or a Purdue Musical Organization (Purdue Varsity Glee Club or Purduettes)?

Of course! Step 4 in our All-Aboard orientation process is participating in a Purdue Welcome program such as camp for the Purdue “All-American” Marching Band or Purdue Musical Organizations, or commitments for varsity athletics. All of these programs will introduce you to campus.

Boiler Gold Rush International Questions

When will the BGR and BGRi schedules be released?

Details on the BGR and BGRi schedules will be released later this summer via email and on this website. You can expect to use the PurdueGuide app for your full schedule. More information on the PurdueGuide app can be found on the BGR PurdueGuide page.

When will move-in happen for BGRi?

Students may move-in to Purdue for BGRi on Aug. 15, 2025. Students with travel delays may also move-in on Aug. 16, if necessary.

What if I have other questions?

If you have more questions regarding BGRi – please contact Orientation Programs at or call (765) 494-9328

For questions regarding immigration/international student visa etc., please contact the Office of International Students and Scholars (ISS) at or call 765-494-5770 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For questions regarding your admissions status, please visit this Frequently Asked Questions page for important information or contact the Office of Admissions at or call 765-494-1776.

If I am participating in BGRi, how do I get to Purdue from the airport?

If you arrive in Chicago, Illinois or Indianapolis, Indiana you can make a reservation with one of the following transportation services. Each service will drop you off at Purdue University.

Chicago O'Hare International Airport

Indianapolis International Airport

Boiler Cold Rush (Spring) Questions

When can students living off-campus check in to Boiler Cold Rush?

Off-campus students will be able to check-in to Boiler Cold Rush on the same date as all on-campus students. Boiler Cold Rush check in will occur in the Purdue Memorial Union South Ballroom.

What should I wear during Boiler Cold Rush?

January in Indiana is almost always cold. Expect temperatures in the 30s or 40s (Fahrenheit) most days, with the possibility for even colder temperatures at night. There may also be snow and ice, so be sure to bring proper footwear. Many of our activities will be inside, so dressing in layers may also be helpful.

If I am living in a University Residence Hall, will I be in a group with my roommate?

Potentially. Teams are created at random based on your area of living. Student groups may have students from the same or nearby residence halls and off-campus students. We value the importance of creating a community at Purdue, and will provide opportunities to meet other students throughout Boiler Cold Rush.

Will I need extra money for Boiler Cold Rush?

There are no additional costs associated with the Boiler Cold Rush program outside of the registration fee, unless you choose to purchase personal items.

Other Questions

I am an international student. Who do I contact if I have a question about my immigration status?

For questions about your immigration status you can email or call 765-494-5770.

What’s the best way to stay updated with everything that I need to know about orientation?

The Orientation Programs website will be updated consistently between now and the beginning of classes. Updates will also be shared on our social media accounts @allaboardpurdue so go ahead and follow us! The Orientation Programs team will also send emails to your Purdue email account with important updates, so review your Purdue email on a consistent basis.

I am an exchange student. What does the All Aboard Purdue process look like for me?

The All Aboard Purdue process for exchange students includes the option to participate in the Purdue Welcome process. Exchange students do not complete Purdue 101 or Purdue 102.

Last updated: March 2025

Student Success at Purdue, KRCH 4th Floor, 1198 Third Street, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, 765-494-9328

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