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mid-October 2020 Newsletter

COVID-19 Information from Purdue

Although we are continuing to keep families updates with information sent to the Purdue community, for the most up-to-date information and FAQ's please visit the Protect Purdue website, and the Purdue COVID-19 Dashboard.

Reminder: Flu Vaccination 

A reminder that the Purdue Board of Trustees approved adding the annual influenza vaccination to the requirements for enrolled students as a condition to being on campus as a part of the university’s pandemic response measures and the Protect Purdue initiative. More information is available here, upcoming clinic information and other locations to receive the vaccination can be found here.

Purdue approves addition of Reading Day to fall calendar

Purdue University approved establishing Wednesday, Nov. 4, as an optional Reading Day, giving instructors and students the chance for a brief respite from classes, and supporting the recommendation the University Senate passed during its meeting Monday (Oct. 19). Senators also approved extension of the deadlines for students to withdraw from a course or to switch from receiving a letter grade to pass/not pass for fall courses.

Jay Akridge, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity, said, “Our thanks to the Purdue Student Government and to the University Senate for recognizing the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has presented for some of our students. The measures proposed and adopted today will provide flexibility to our students, helping them to continue to make academic progress during this difficult time.”  

  • The University will implement an optional Reading Day for Nov. 4, following the recommendation of the University Senate.  The Reading Day is designed to give both instructors and students the opportunity to take a break from instruction this fall. Instructors are encouraged to opt in to the established Reading Day if at all possible and should communicate early to their classes if and how their class will participate. Campus will remain open, and students are expected to remain on campus.
  • Senators approved extension of the deadline to drop a course during the fall semester from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. The extension is designed to help mitigate academic difficulty for students because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The University Senate also approved the extension of the deadline to switch from receiving a letter grade to pass or not pass for fall courses. Students will now have until Dec. 4 to make that switch with advisor approval. The minimum grade to receive a “P” is defined as a C- for all 10000-40000 level courses during the fall. All established regulations and requirements regarding the use of P/NP to meet degrees, admission requirements, and pre-requisite requirements apply. P/NP grades are not used in computing GPAs.

“I want to thank the Purdue Student Government under the leadership of President Assata Gilmore for bringing these matters forward, the University Senate’s Educational Policy Committee for moving these proposals through the Senate, and the University’s support of these Senate actions,” said Deb Nichols, Senate chair. “Our students and campus community will benefit from the flexibility and respite these measures will provide.”

Letter to the Residential Community from the Dean of Students

Dean of Students Dr. Katie Sermersheim sent a note to all residential students thanking them for their efforts to Protect Purdue and urging them to continue to stay vigilant.

Limited Indoor Dining Options Available

It's getting colder and indoor seating options for dining are now available.

Featured Stories   

Pursuing Racial Justice Together Events

The Pursuing Racial Justice Together Learning Series continues with virtual lectures from prominent journalists, award-winning researchers, and more.

Parent & Family Virtual Events

Parent & Family Connections is excited to continue to bring families virtual opportunities to learn more about resources at Purdue so you can best guide your student. You can find previous Virtual Events on the Parent & Family Connections YouTube Channel. Watch your inbox for information for an invitation for an upcoming Virtual Event.

Updates from Study Abroad – Spring & Summer 2021

The study abroad office continues to work with students to provide study abroad opportunities. Students planning to study abroad in Spring 2021 are working closely with their study abroad and academic advisors to plan and have a contingency plan, and deposit refund policies have been adjusted to allow students more flexibility. Decisions on Spring 2021 study abroad programs are planned to be made by November 2nd.

Students looking to study abroad in Summer 2021 are encouraged to check out our new video “How to Pick a Study Abroad Program” and to work with the study abroad office to determine the best fit for them. Summer 2021 study abroad programs are currently planned to be running, although some program options may not appear on our website until mid-November. Scholarships for Summer 2021 are available, and more details can be found here.

“Giant Leaps @ Home,” Purdue University’s 2020 Homecoming celebration will take place virtually this year, from Monday, November 9, through Saturday, November 14.

In keeping with the Protect Purdue Plan, the university’s comprehensive strategy to keep campus safe by limiting the spread of COVID-19, this year’s Homecoming will forgo in-person gatherings and, instead, offer the Purdue family around the globe an array of virtual programming that celebrates the university’s storied history and the traditions, memories, and spirit that bind us together.

Planning for Purdue’s first ever Virtual Homecoming is still underway. Join us live daily from 12-1pm EST to hear the latest from university leadership and the colleges as well as get information on campus-wide happenings. Campus partners will be hosting various events throughout the course of the week and details will be added to our Reunions and Registered Events page as plans become finalized for you to learn more. We have exciting plans underway that can be accessed on the website during the week of events that will include opportunities to tour campus facilities, compete for prizes in our online scavenger hunt and much, much more!

Homecoming week will conclude on November 14 with the Purdue game against Northwestern University and awarding the Homecoming Pillars of Excellency winners. Game time is still to be announced. Read more about Homecoming 2020.

Boilermaker Football

While we wish we could pack Ross-Ade Stadium this year, circumstances require us to stay apart a little longer. Show your Boilermaker pride and be at Ross-Ade for every home game this season by purchasing your Purdue Boilermaker Fan Cutout for you or your student today! Cutouts will be added to the stadium throughout the season.

Watch Party Info

Students can reserve general admission to cheer on the Boilermakers at official home game watch parties. Each participant must have a code to enter the watch party site. There will be: 

  • Free hotdogs, popcorn, bottled water provided for registered participants!
  • Pep Visits from the Purdue All-American Marching Band! 

Please note:

Participation is open only to Purdue students who are cleared for campus entry. Attendees must follow all Protect Purdue guidelines.


October 24, Boilermaker football resumes

October 31, students must submit flu vaccination documentation

November 24, Face-to-face instruction ends

November 25-28, Thanksgiving Vacation

November 30, Remote instruction (through end of semester)

December 5, Classes end

December 7-12, Final Exams

December 12, Semester Ends

January 19, Spring Semester Begins

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

© 2017 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Parent and Family Connections

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