This past January 14-15, 2023, the Purdue Bells had the opportunity to take part in the Area 5 Inspiring 2023 College Event held in Ft. Wayne, IN, hosted by the Handbell Musicians of America Organization. Around two dozen young adults and college student ringers from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio participated in this weekend-long event filled with intense rehearsals of complex music, culminating in a concert on Sunday afternoon.
For some Bells members, like Jonathan Martz, this was an opportunity to reflect and be among old friends.
“It was so great to be back at First Presbyterian Church, which was actually where I had my first Bells performance back in Fall of 2019 - such a wonderful mix of nostalgia combined with the pride of realizing I have improved so much since then,” Martz said. “I enjoyed catching up with former Bells members who have since graduated and have become some of the best friends I’ve ever had.”
For newer members, like Kerri Easton, the event provided a first-time opportunity to work alongside peers from around the region.
“I enjoyed getting to know others from throughout the area, especially the former Purdue Bell members in attendance,” Easton said. “The long rehearsals were all worth it as they produced a beautiful concert!”
Building on both students’ sentiments, Bells director Jeffrey Warbinton noted that “many of our ringers went outside their comfort zones and played parts that were unfamiliar to them…[and they] did a fantastic job, receiving compliments from the conductor and the event organizers.”