News & Media
Distinguished Lectures
Connaughton, S. L. Keynote Speaker. Media Impact and Creative Industry Research Center (IMIC) 17th Biennial International Conference on Media and Communication (MENTION 2017). November 20-22, Putrajaya, Malaysia. To be delivered November 2017.
Connaughton, S. L. Keynote Speaker. The Purdue Peace Project (PPP): Engaging Difference and Seeking to Make a Difference. Engaged Communication Scholarship Conference, Aspen, Colorado. Delivered July 2017.
Connaughton, S. L. Distinguished Lecture Series. Western Michigan University. Organizing to prevent violence and build peace: The transformative potential of everyday citizens in West Africa and Central America. Delivered February 2017.
Connaughton, S. L. Distinguished Lecture Series. University of Dayton. The Purdue Peace Project: A local leadership model of political violence prevention in West Africa and Central America. Delivered February 2016.
Connaughton, S. L. Bernard Brock Distinguished Lecture. Wayne State University. Preventing political violence and combating Ebola: A locally led, dialogic approach to peacebuilding and beyond. Delivered March 2015.
Connaughton, S. L., Organizing to survive: The unwavering resilience of everyday Liberian citizens in combating Ebola. The Gravlee Distinguished Lecture Series. Colorado State University. Delivered February 2015.
Connaughton, S. L., The Purdue Peace Project: A Local Leadership Model of Peacebuilding. Invited presentation to Catholic Relief Services. Invited by Office of Global Affairs, Purdue University, October 2014.
Connaughton, S. L., Culture, Peace, and Communication. Invited lecture delivered to U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, NASIC, Dayton, Ohio, September 2014.
Example Practitioner Presentations
Monitoring and Evaluation of a Locally Driven, Community-Based Peacebuilding Initiative: The Purdue Peace Project, a presentation given as part of the DM&E 'Thursday Talks' series.
PSFG Webinar March 2015, a presentation given to the Peace and Security Funders Group.
Blogs & Articles
Click here for the Purdue Peace Project's official blog: "PPP Perspectives"
Playing with the 'Enemey': Football Offers a Chance for Peace in Liberia, an article co-written by Dr. Jasmine Linabary, PPP's Associate Director of Research and Operations; Dr. Stacey Connaughton, PPP Director; Grace Yeanay, PPP's Liberia Country Director; and Jennifer Ptacek, PPP graduate research assistant, about how football has contributed to peace in Liberia, particularly between pen-pen riders and police. The article was published by the Peace News Network in July 2018.
Partnering for Solutions in Peace and Security, an article co-written by Jessica Burns, PPP consultant, and Dr. Stacey Connaughton, PPP director, about the G7 Summit's priority to "reach out to our partners and build solutions that can deliver lasting peace." The article was published by the Diplomatic Courier in May 2018 and as part of the print edition of the G7 Summit magazine.
Local Citizens Play Key Role in Promoting Peaceful Elections in Liberia, an article co-written by Dr. Jasmine Linabary, PPP's Associate Director of Research and Operations; Dr. Stacey Connaughton, PPP Director; Jennifer Ptacek, PPP graduate research assistant; Meghana Rawat, PPP graduate research assistant; and Grace Yeanay, PPP's Liberia Country Director, about how local peacebuilders contributed to promoting peace during Liberia's 2017 elections. The article was published by the Diplomatic Courier in March 2018.
Hope for El Salvador, an op-ed written by Jessica Berns, PPP consultant, and Dr. Stacey Connaughton, PPP director, about examples of hope in El Salvador found in citizen engagement. The article was published by the Peace News Network in August 2017.
When It Comes to Liberia's 2017 Elections, Better Be on the Side of Caution, an analysis co-written by Dr. Liliya Yakova, PPP's Associate Director of Operations, Dr. Stacey Connaughton, PPP Director, and Grace Yeanay, PPP's Liberia Country Director, about the potential of political violence during the 2017 elections in Liberia. The article was published by the Diplomatic Courier in July 2017.
Peaceful Solutions Can Be Locally Led, an article by PPP Associate Director of Operations, Dr. Liliya Yakova, and PPP Director, Dr. Stacey Connaughton, on the importance of locally led peacebuilding, published in the 2017 edition of the G20 Executive Talk Series Magazine. The piece was also featured in the Diplomatic Courier in May 2017.
The Need for Dialogue Is Now, another powerful piece by PPP Director, Stacey Connaughton, and PPP Consultant, Jessica Berns, on the importance of dialogue, published by the Diplomatic Courier in February 2017. Featured by Purdue University's College of Liberal Arts.
Where in the world should we look for solutions to the American 'Divide'?, an article by Dr. Connaughton and Jessica Berns published July 2016 in Diplomatic Courier and featured by Purdue University's College of Liberal Arts. (PDF)
The Curious Case of the Cricket: Storytelling and Conflict Transformation in Ghana, a Building Peace blog post, published March 2016.
From soldiers to peacebuilders: can Liberia's taxi drivers help stop Ebola? Peacebuilding with local citizens, an article in the Guardian newspaper, published October 2014.
PPP in the News
Example Media Coverage of PPP and its Collaborators
- Eight reasons for optimism, an article listing PPP as one of the reasons for optimism despite the world's problems in the fall 2017 issue of the Purdue Alumnus
- Graduate student spotlight, an article featuring PPP graduate research assistant Jessica Pauly in the fall 2017 issue of The Communicator
- Ready for peace and tired of fear, an article featuring Dr. Jasmine Linabary, PPP associate director of research and operations, in the fall 2017 issue of The Communicator
- Purdue Peace Project embarks on two days peace workshop within conflict prone communities, an October 2017 article about the PPP's retreat for local peace committees in Ghana.
- Pen-Pen Peace Network for violence-free elections launched, a September 2017 article in The Liberian Observer highlighting the Pen-Pen Peace Network's violence-free elections efforts.
- DCE nominee's confirmation unites two chiefs in Tuobodom, a May 2017 article describing results from work done by local citizens supported by PPP in Tuobodom, Ghana
- Purdue fosters motorists-LNP relations, a December 2016 article in the Liberian Observer about PPP's work in Liberia.
- LNP, motorcyclists dialogue to prevent violence in 2017 elections, a September 2016 article in The Liberian Observer highlighting the PPP.
- Cherish peace to violence, an August 2016 article highlighting the work of the Pen-Pen Peace Network in The Liberian Observer.
- Research team seeks to end political violence, an article in the Exponent, the Purdue student newspaper, published January 2016.
- Purdue Peace Project visita comunidades de El Salvador para contribuir a prevenir violencia, a Spanish-language announcement by the organization FESPAD (based in El Salvador) about the PPP's visit to the country, published October 2015.
- Purdue Peace Project teams up with Liberian Ebola prevention volunteers, an article featuring the PPP in the spring 2015 issues of the Dimensions of Discovery newsletter.
- Speaker to discuss role of Liberia's soldiers in Ebola fight, an overview about Dr. Connaughton as a keynote speaker at Colorado State University.
- 95-year-old US citizen brokers peace between Delta communities, an article in Punch, a Nigerian newspaper, featuring PPP work.
- Peace in Motion, an article about the PPP in THiNK magazine.
- The best weapon against Ebola in West Africa is winning public trust, the PPP's work in Liberia is mentioned in this October 2014 article in Bloomberg Businessweek.
- Purdue takes the international Ebola crisis into its own hands, PPP was featured on the front page of Purdue's student newspaper in October 2014
- A BBC Radio Story on the PPP and Pen-Pen Peace Network Ebola Prevention Work.
- Purdue group making peace, fighting Ebola in Liberia, a WLFI story on the Pen-Pen Peace Network, WOMSUD, and PPP's efforts to combat Ebola.
- Purdue assisting in the battle against Ebola, PPP Director Stacey Connaughton discusses the Ebola Awareness Campaign on WBAA
- Purdue Peace Project switches focus in Liberia, an article about the PPP in the Journal & Courier
- Purdue Peace Project works from afar with with flight of Liberian taxi drivers to educate citizens about Ebola, PPP was featured in Purdue Today with a story about our work in Liberia.
- Peace Project helps resolve a conflict in Ghana, an article about PPP in the January/February 2014 Purdue Alumnus
- PPP records another milestone in land dispute in Delta, Nigeria, PPP's achievements were featured in the spring 2014 edition of the Alliance for Peacebuilding's Peacebuilding Post
- Grad student impacts society through the Purdue Peace Project, a December 2013 article about PPP graduate research assistant Dorothy Snyder in The Communicator.
- Purdue Peace Project works to solve disputes, a November 2013 WTHR story featuring the PPP.
- Purdue Peace Project helps resolve leadership conflict in Berekum, Ghana, PPP was featured in Purdue Today in November 2013.
- Purdue Peace Project works to solve disputes, a November 2013 WISH TV article on PPP.
- Purdue Peace Project working to solve disputes in West Africa has 1st success story in Ghana, a November 2013 Associated Press article in the Columbus Republic featuring the PPP.
- The Purdue Peace Project's top paper, the Alliance for Peacebuilding announced PPP's top paper award.
- A Quest for Peace, a summer 2012 article written in CLA's THiNK magazine.
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