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Global Science Partnerships

Science in the 21st century addresses questions of worldwide significance and takes place in more places than ever before. The Global Science Partnerships Learning Community, open to first-year College of Science students, positions you at the forefront of this movement. You will learn from and make connections with students from around the world by living together and participating in monthly dinners and cultural and service activities. This LC will include approximately equal numbers of domestic and international students.

You will also be introduced to the scientific challenges and human predicaments facing Purdue scientists in their pursuit of global collaborations in SCI 195, the College of Science Global Science Leadership Seminar – a 1-credit course.

ACTIVITIES for Global Science Partnerships:

  • Monthly Dinner Meeting with cultural programs
  • Community Service – Halloween at the YMCA and many more opportunities
  • English Conversation Groups – Informal “chat” sessions to help international college of science students become more comfortable with conversational English.
  • Cultural Activities and Field Trips – International Picnic, Corn Maze excursion, and dinners with cultural programs, etc
  • International Film Festival, game nights, cookouts and more.
  • Upon completion, students can earn a total of 4 points in the Learning Beyond the Classroom Certificate Program. This program enhances student marketability in the work force by incorporating three key components needed in the real world.

Students Participation


Student Testimonials:

"Being a part of Global Science Partnerships has given me an opportunity to learn more about different countries through all of the internarional friends that I met through the program. In addition, I also got to participate in different activities that help me obtain skills and life lessons that I can apply to my life." Anh -Biomedical Health Sciences

"GSP has made an immense impact on my time here at Purdue. I joined as a freshman in the midst of the pandemic in 2020 with a lot of uncertainty, but I don’t regret a single thing! I’ve had nothing but positive experiences being apart of GSP. I’ve improved my collaboration skills, communication skills, intercultural competency, and so much more. If I didn't’t join GSP, I wouldn't’t have met all of my amazing, loving, and supportive friends. I highly encourage anyone in the college of science to consider joining GSP!" Emmie - Neurobiology and Physiology

Student Testimonials:

"The learning community has taught me to be a more worldly person and understand cultural backgrounds both through a classroom setting and living with a mixture of international and domestic students." Himal – Computer Science - India

"I loved being able to meet people from all over the world. It is an amazing opportunity." Stephanie - Biology - England



Student Testimonials

"I especially enjoyed making some American friends." Zihao - Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences - China

"Global Science Partnerships is one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that yields unfathomable opportunities to get a greater understanding of the world we all share as a whole.  What we experienced through games and activities are actually life lessons of culture and cooperation that really do open you up to the global community." Jared  - Biochemistry - USA


Student Testimonials:

“I especially liked living on the same floor as the people within my learning community.” Scott – Biology - USA

"Meeting people from diverse cultural backgrounds who were all interested in a common cause, and were also willing to discuss our differences in culture. It was an eye-opening experience." Yi Yi - Neurobiology - Malaysia

Student Testimonials:

"The best thing about the program is that it creates a platform for both international students and domestic students to make friends from different cultures." Yuting – Chemistry - China

"My favorite part of the Indianapolis Zoo trip was the extended contact with American students. We had great conversations and made some plans for the following week." Jens - Computer Science - Germany

Student Testimonials:

"Global Science Partnerships Learning community helped me a lot to adjust at Purdue University. I made many friends because of this learning community." Abhijeet – Computer Science - India

"The best thing about the program is that it creates a platform for both international students and domestic students to make friends from different cultures." Vinsen - Math & Statistics - Indonesia 


Student Testimonials:

"This community gave me the opportunity to live, study and engage with people from other countries, varied cultures and beliefs. The course that it entailed provided me with an insight to the relationship between cultures and the perception of science. GSP made me feel welcome, and attending their events gave me a good break from routinely academic life." Trisha Zalani – Mathematics – Oman

"Before participating in the learning community, while I knew that it is important to understand different cultures, I knew it in an obscure sense. People said it was necessary and I understood the idea and logic behind that opinion. Now, after being a part of the global science partnerships for an entire semester, I have a more concrete understanding of what it really takes to understand and work with individuals who hail from different cultures."  Elizabeth – Biology - USA

Student Testimonials

"GSP enabled me to meet a lot of good, friendly people from many different cultures and to expand what I know about the world, while having fun." Minwen - Chemistry - China

"Being in Global Science Partnerships was a great way for me to get a taste of other cultures. Having an international roommate and being with people from around the world has expanded my mindset about how other cultures and people work." Nick - Biochemistry - USA

Student Testimonials:

"This learning community has brought me into a whole new world with culture and experiences. I was able to meet people from all over the world and learn about their cultures. Being in the Global Science Partners was a great way to enter Purdue University and begin my scientific career." Lake - Statistics & Math - USA



Purdue University College of Science, 150 N. University St, West Lafayette, IN 47907 • Phone: (765) 494-1729, Fax: (765) 494-1736

Student Advising Office: (765) 494-1771, Fax: (765) 496-3015 • Science IT, (765) 494-4488

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