About Winter Session
Winter Session offers academic opportunities (asynchronous online classes, study abroad, and study away), allowing students to make the most of the weeks between the fall and spring semesters.
What are the benefits of winter coursework?
- Lighten your spring courseload - If your fall semester seems overwhelming, taking up to 3 credits in winter can help you focus on challenging coursework in the spring.
- Prerequisite preparation - Complete a prerequisite course during winter to set yourself up for success in future semesters. Check to see if any of the winter courses can get you ahead for a future semester.
- Progress towards your academic goals - Use winter to work towards a minor, certificate, or second major, helping you stay on track with your academic plan.
- Graduate early - Explore the possibility of graduating early by strategically taking winter and summer classes. Taking three credits during winter and nine over the summer will allow you to complete 12 extra credits per year!
- Learn new skills or explore interests - Winter is an excellent time to delve into classes of interest that may not fit into your fall or spring schedule.
- Explore the world - Studying abroad during Winter Session allows you to gain global experience and earn credits. Check the online Program Search for options.
- Cost Benefits - Enjoy reduced costs; if your major typically charges a differential fee, it will not apply to winter coursework. Standard per-credit tuition or fees apply.
- Please refer to the Office of the Bursar website for winter course tuition costs based on your residency, noting the cost per credit hour for up to three credits during the Winter Session and Study Abroad to explore program costs.
- Student Quotes
- “It helped keep me on schedule and helped me segue into the spring semester.”
- “It was a great way to earn 3 credits, understand a topic in-depth ... and earn a good grade.”
Important Dates for Winter Session 2025-2026
- Course Schedule | Dec. 22, 2025 – Jan. 9, 2026
- Monday, Dec. 22 - Tuesday, Dec. 23
- Wednesday, Dec. 24 - Thursday, Dec. 25: University Holidays, No class
- Wednesday, Dec. 24 through Sunday, Jan. 9: Winter Recess Starts; University is closed
- Friday, Dec. 26
- Monday, Dec. 29 - Wednesday, Dec. 31
- Thursday, Jan. 1, 2026: University Holiday, No class
- Friday, Jan. 2: President’s Designated Holiday, No class
- Sunday, Jan. 4: End of Winter Recess
- Monday, Jan. 5 - Friday, Jan. 9
- Monday, Dec. 22 - Tuesday, Dec. 23
- Registration Dates
- Tuesday, Sept. 2: Schedule of Courses and Registration Announcement
- Monday, Sept. 8: Registration Begins. View your Registration Time Ticket.
- TBA: Winter Session Success workshop for students (more information will be sent to enrolled students)
- Important Dates | Add/Drop, Withdraws, Refunds, and Grades
- Sunday, Dec. 21: Last day to receive a 100% refund for withdrawing from a course
- Monday, Dec. 22: Session Starts; Last day to withdraw without a "W"
- Starting Monday, Dec. 22, students need to complete the Withdraw form in MyPurdue to drop their class/term
- Click the Registration tab and find "Withdraw Information” for Winter 2024
- The Office of the Dean of Students will process withdrawals as students withdraw from a term. This may take up to two business days when the university is open.
- Starting Monday, Dec. 22, students need to complete the Withdraw form in MyPurdue to drop their class/term
- Tuesday, Dec. 23 - Wednesday, Dec. 31: Add or modify a course with Instructor and Advisor approval on myPurdue - Submit request via the Scheduling Assistant
- Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2026: Last day to withdraw with a “W” - complete the Withdraw form in MyPurdue to drop course/term
- Friday, Jan. 9, 2026: Session Ends
- Monday, Jan. 12, 2026: Spring Semester starts
- Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2026: Grades are due by 5 p.m. (Grades will be posted after being processed)
Contact us at wintersession@purdue.edu.