This is a dynamic, frequently asked questions (FAQs) page about Winter Session. FAQs may change as new questions are submitted.
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Student FAQs
How many credit hours can I complete during Winter Session?
Students may complete up to 3 credit hours during Winter Session. The available courses can be found here.
If additional courses are needed to graduate early, please view 2nd half 8-week courses for the Fall semester. And please speak with your academic advisor to confirm they fit with your study of plan.
Where can I find registration dates related to the Winter Session?
Registration starts the week of Sept. 16, 2024. Students can start registering during their registration time ticket.
Can I take a winter course if I am studying in Indianapolis?
Yes, winter courses are available to students studying in Indianapolis. Students enrolled in a Fall IUI course that continues beyond Monday, December 16, are not eligible to register for an online course. Please speak with your Academic Advisor to see if a winter course is a good option for your plan of study.
What is the cost for a Winter Session class, and when is payment due?
Cost and Payment for Winter Session
Please refer to the Office of the Bursar website for winter course tuition costs based on your residency, noting the cost per credit hour for up to three credits during the Winter Session. There is no differential fee during the session.
There are no scholarships available specifically for Winter Session.
Due Date for Tuition and Fees
Students enrolled in Winter Session will have their Spring semester start dates changed to allow for disbursement of aid in December (starting on Friday, December 6).
Tuition and fees for Winter Session are due by the first day of Spring term classes, Jan. 13, 2025.
Refund Information
For details, please refer to the Add/Drop information and the Percentage of Fees and Tuition chart. Sunday, Dec. 15, is the last day to receive a 100% refund for withdrawing from a course.
Once your withdrawal has been processed, your student account and tuition balance will be adjusted accordingly.
For more refund information, please visit the Office of the Bursar website or contact the Office of the Bursar directly at askbursar@purdue.edu.
Study Abroad and Study Away Programs
Study Abroad and Study Away program deposits and amounts vary and are due before departure.
I have financial aid for the Winter Session. Why can’t I see my financial aid under my Winter Account Activity or my Winter statement?
Financial Aid that applies to Winter Term Charges will be processed under the Spring Term and will show under your Spring Activity and on your Spring e-statement.
Students enrolled in Winter Session will have their Spring semester start dates changed to allow for disbursement of aid in December (starting on Friday, December 6).
For more information, visit the Winter Session Financial Aid website or email facontact@purdue.edu and
please include your name and PUID.
I need a statement showing my winter charges. How can I get this?
You can obtain a statement showing your winter term charges on your myPurdue.
Follow these steps:
- Login to your myPurdue
- Select ‘Bills and Payments’
- Select ‘View My Balance’
- Select ‘Create New Statement Here’ and select the Term ‘Winter 2024’
What resources will be available to me during Winter Session?
Please visit the Student Resources page to see what offices will be available.
What do I do if I need to drop my winter class?
Before Classes Start (through Sunday, Dec. 15): If a student needs to drop their course before Winter Session begins, please go to your Scheduling Assistant on myPurdue and drop the course through that process.
When Classes Start (Dec. 16 to Dec. 31): Students withdrawing from their winter course assignments after classes have begun should go to myPurdue, click the Registration tab, and look for Withdraw Information for Winter 2024. Your withdrawal may take up to two business days (when the university is open) to be processed through the Office of the Dean of Students.
- Please be mindful if you withdraw from a prerequisite course for your spring semester schedule. You may need to adjust your spring schedule with this course change. Please review the Student Pre-Registration FAQs for more information.
View the steps on how to drop a course.
The last day to drop a course is Tuesday, Dec. 31. Courses dropped between Tuesday, Dec. 17 and Tuesday, Dec. 31 will be recorded with a grade of "W."
Sunday, Dec. 15 is the last day to receive a 100% refund for withdrawing from a course. Please refer to the Add/Drop information and the Percentage of Fees and Tuition chart.
What if I need to request an incomplete grade for a winter course?
A grade of incomplete is a record of work that was interrupted by unavoidable absence or other causes beyond a student's control. Incomplete grades are assigned when a student has attended class but has not completed work and has been allowed time to do so. Incompletes are not to be used for students who never attended class and are still on the class roster. Failure to complete the class or turn in passing coursework is noted as an (F).
Please speak with your instructor if your circumstances would meet the criteria of an incomplete. View more information about Incomplete Work.
Can I add/change a course after classes have started?
If space is available, you can still add or change a course with instructor and academic advisor approval via the Scheduling Assistant on myPurdue.
The University Undergraduate Academic Advising will approve any advisor approvals when the University is closed.
I am a Resident Assistant. Do I get fee remission for Winter Session?
There is no fee remission for RAs for the Winter Session. Please refer to the Office of the Bursar website for winter course tuition costs based on your residency, noting the cost per credit hour for up to three credits during the Winter Session. There is no differential fee during the session.
I don't have reliable internet access at home. Can I live on campus over Winter Break?
Winter Break housing has traditionally been available at Purdue. Please visit the University Residences website for more information.
When are winter session grades posted in myPurdue?
When can I graduate if my last class is during the winter session?
Students will be eligible to participate in the May or any future summer/fall commencement.
As an incoming or re-entry student for the spring semester, can I take a winter course?
Incoming or re-entry students for the spring semester cannot start early and take a winter course.
I attend college at a different university. Can I take classes during Winter Session?
Students cannot apply for non-degree/visiting admission for Winter Session. Non-degree students who have taken coursework during the prior summer or fall semesters would be eligible to take classes.
Staff and Advisor FAQs
Is there additional information for Academic Advisors?
Please refer to the Winter Session Overview Handout for additional details and a link to the Winter Session Information and Q&A presentation. Updated presentation slides are available here. (updated 09/04/24)
Can Fee Remission be used for Winter Session?
Yes, Fee Remission can be used for the Winter Session. Please visit the Staff Fee Remission website for more information.
If you have additional questions, please email the Bursar Office at askbursar@purdue.edu.
Will I be required to work during Winter Recess?
No, only select staff will be needed to operate the essential functions of Winter Session. Winter Recess will remain in place for faculty and staff. The university will be officially closed from Dec. 23, 2024 through Jan. 1, 2025.
Please refer to the Winter Recess FAQs document from Human Resources (announced during the fall semester) to learn more about working over Winter Recess. View University Holidays.
Faculty FAQs
How can my class be considered for Winter Session?
Please contact your department head for more information about the coursework offered during the Winter Session.
How will I be paid for teaching during Winter Session?
Since the session occurs while contracts are in place, instructors will be paid via overloads. Please contact your department head for more information on your unit's compensation structure.
Can I receive assistance with course design?
Please visit the Innovative Learning Team website to learn more about course design assistance.
Are there any additional resources for how best to teach a winter course?
- Center for Instructional Excellence
- Instructional Data Processing - course evaluations, testing, proctoring (closed during winter recess)
Please refer to these online teaching resources:
- Teaching@Purdue self-paced instructional development for Online and Hybrid (and other topics)
- Innovative Learning programming, services, and tools
- Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning (PoRTAL) digital repository
- Instructional Development Workshop information
- Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation (IMPACT)
- CoPILOT: Cohort Program for Innovation and Leadership in Online Teaching
- Brightspace Workshop Resources and Drop-in Help Sessions
- Disability Resource Center Instructor Resources
- Faculty Accessibility Consultant and Assistive Technology
- AI Bytes Workshop Sessions - Fall 2024
What instructional support is provided for the Winter Session?
The Office of Summer and Winter Sessions offers the following:
Before the Session:
- Partners with Purdue Online to provide Instructional Design Assistance for new winter courses to be offered in 3-weeks and existing courses to be refreshed every 3 years
- Encourages teaching assistants for high-enrolled courses, technology such as AI integration for grading, and AI teaching assistant chatbots.
- Collaborate closely with Innovative Learning to provide additional instructional development throughout the year, including a Community of Practice for accelerated/short-term courses
- Works with Brightspace to add Intelligent Agents to your students' accounts, so they will receive a reminder on the 2nd day of class if they haven't logged in yet
- The Winter Session Manager is available via email at wintersession@purdue.edu and will respond within 24 business hours to answer any questions for instructors and students.
- Manages Add/Drops with University Undergraduate Academic Advising and the Office of Dean of Students Office
Are there any dates I should consider when developing a Winter Session class?
Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will be recognized as official holidays, as will any additional dates designated by the Office of the President. No assignments should be due on these dates. Please view the course schedule here.
What modalities can I consider for a Winter Session class?
Courses may be offered via asynchronous online instruction, study away, or study abroad.
Can my class start early or end late?
Winter Session online courses must be in the term (Dec. 16, 2024 - Jan. 3, 2025).