2010 Annual Meeting
Center for Analytical Instrument Development 3rd Annual MeetingJune 15 and June 16, 2010 - Purdue University
This year's theme is miniaturization of analytical instrumentation and in-situ determinations.
Demonstrations and Laboratory Tours
Tuesday, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm, 5 pm - 5:30 pm
Wednesday, noon - 4:30 pm
Hall of Discovery Learning Research, Fourth Floor, Room 415
- Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry-Dahlia Campbell, Isabella Zhang, Abraham Badu, & Sandilya Garimella
- Paperspray Ionization Mass Spectrometry-Allison Dill, Livia Eberlin, Dr. Nick Manicke, Sheran Oradu
- Mini 10 miniature mass spectrometer with paperspray ionization- Dr. Guangming Huang, Ryan Espy, He Wang, Dr. Ewa Sokol
- DESI Imaging Mass Spectrometry- Allison Dill, Livia Eberlin, Dr. Marion Girod
Bindley Bioscience Center, Basement, Room B019
- Instrumentation Prototyping and Design Facility- Frank Boudreau, Jason Duncan, Ray Milks, Dr. Robert Noll, Matt King
- Mini 11 miniature mass spectrometer- Jonell Smith, Dr. Wei Xu
- Low temperature plasma ionization coupled to Mini MS-Dr. Keyong Hou, Paul Hendricks, Joshua Wiley, Tsung-Chi Chen
- Negative ion detection with Mini MS- Santosh Soparawalla, Guangtao Li
Registration Desk, Discovery Learning Research, Ground Floor
- Brandy Shumaker, Leann Herndon, Liz Hewitt
Tour Guides
- Fatkhulla Tadjimukhamedov, Jobin Cyriac, Xin Li, Qian Yang, Jian Xu, Anyin Li, Zane Baird
- Jon Dalgleish, Ray Milks
Final Schedule
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Hall of Discvoery Learning Research, Discovery Park
Time | Event |
9:30am - 2:30pm | Lab Tours and Demos (optional), Registration, First Floor Lobby |
2:30 pm - 4:40 pm | Plenary Session I, Learning Studio
Tuesday Evening events will be held at Thomas Duncan Hall, 619 Ferry Street, Lafayette, Indiana. |
6:00 pm |
7:00 pm | Hors d’oeuvres, Dinner Bar open 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
9:15 pm | Panel Discussion: “In Situ, on-site mass spectrometry, How realistic is that?” Panelists: Ray Chrisman, Univ. Washington; John Hammond, Physical Electronics; Nari Talaty, Abbott; Mary Wirth, Purdue; Facundo Fernandez, Georgia Tech; Michael Knierman, Eli Lilly & Co.; Justin Wiseman, Prosolia, Inc. |
8:30 pm | Panel Discussion |
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hall of Discovery Learning Research, Discovery Park
Time | Event |
9:00 am | Plenary Session II, Learning Studio
11:40 am | Adjourn |
Noon - 2:00pm | Optional Specialized Lunch Meetings Mini Users’ Group, MRGN 206 Instrument Manufacturer’s Roundtable, MRGN 129 NASA (by invitation only), DLR 221 |
Speaker Biographies
Dr. Garth Patterson, ICx Griffin Analytical Technologies.
Dr. Patterson is Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Griffin Analytical Technologies, LLC, an ICx Technologies Company. He graduated from Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA in 1996. He earned his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry in 2001 from Purdue, working with Prof. R. Graham Cooks. He has completed Purdue's Krannert School of Management Applied Management Principles Program. He and co-founder Dr. Dennis Barket won First Place for Griffin's business plan in Purdue's Burton D. Morgan Entrepreneurship Competition ($100,000 prize) as well as several other competitions. They have grown Griffin from a two-man shop into a company employing over 50 people, occupying extensive facilities in Purdue Research Park. Griffin was a finalist for the Pittcon New Product Award in 2004. He has served as principal investigator on multiple government contracts and research grants. He holds 12 U.S. and international patents for various advances in mass spectrometry.
Prof. J. Michael Ramsey, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
Dr. Ramsey is Goldby Distin-guished Professor of Chemistry, also holding appointments in biomedical engineering, the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences, and the Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanoscience, and Technology. He is director of the UNC Center for Biomedical Microtechnologies, which fosters collaborations between medical researchers and developers of microtechnologies. His bachelor's degree is from Bowling Green State University in Ohio; his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry was earned at Indiana University under Prof. Gary Heiftje. His research interests include microfabricated chemical instrumentation, point-of-care clinical diagnostic devices, and highly miniaturized mass spectrometry. Prof. Ramsey is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. He has received all the major awards in chromatography, the Gabbay Award in Biotechnology and Medicine, the American Chemical Society Awards in Chemical Instrumentation and Chromatography, and the Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award. He is the scientific founder of Caliper Life Sciences, a leading supplier of commercial Lab-on-a-Chip products.
Dr. Leah S. Riter, Monsanto Company, Saint Louis, MO.
Dr. Riter is currently a research scientist in Crop Analytics with Monsanto. She obtained her bachelor's degree from the University of Florida and her Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Purdue, working with Prof. R. Graham Cooks. As a post doctoral student at Purdue, she worked on the team that developed the first massive array (107) of miniature (1 um) ion traps. She also designed and built novel membrane interfaces for on-line detection of volatile and semi-volatile compounds in air. She was also a post doctoral fellow at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, working on proteomics. Currently, she is extensively involved in LC-MS/MS development. She has developed methods for plant hormones, fatty acids, corn proteins, and quantitation of targeted membrane proteins in several food matrices. She heads a technology prospecting and problem solving group for her department and has been an invited speaker at national meetings of several scientific societies.
Dr. R. Timothy Short, SRI International, St. Peters-burg, FL.
Dr. Tim Short received his B.Sc. degree in Physics from Florida State University in 1979 and Ph.D. in Experimental Atomic Collision Physics from the University of Tennessee in 1987. Following a 1.5 year post-doc at the Manne Siegbahn Institute of Physics in Stockholm, Sweden, he worked for 8 years as a Research Scientist in the Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His work there focused on instrumental development in mass spectrometry. In 1997, he joined the Center for Ocean Technology at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg, FL. In 2007 he moved to the newly formed Marine Technology Program within SRI International as the Chemical Sensors Group manager in St. Petersburg, FL. Dr. Short's primary research interests include development of underwater mass spectrometers and miniaturization of mass spectrometers.
Dr. Steven Hofstadler, Vice President of Research, Ibis Biosciences.
Dr. Hofstadler received a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Texas and then worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and Senior Research Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for 5 years. In 1997 he moved to Ibis, working on mass spectrometric characterization of RNA/small molecule complexes. His current research interest is the application of mass spectrometry to the analysis of nucleic acids as a means to characterize microorganisms and to forensically differentiate humans. Steve is Vice President of Research of the Ibis Biosciences Subsidiary of Abbott Molecular in San Diego, CA. He is an author/co-author on over 100 peer-reviewed publications and holds more than 20 patents. Dr. Hofstadler received an R&D 100 Award in 2000 for the development of MASS, Multitarget Affinity/Specificity Screening, and another in 2005 for co-development of the TIGER pathogen detection platform. In 2004, he was the recipient of the Society for Biomolecular Screening's PerkinElmer Life Sciences Award for Innovations in High Throughput Screening, and in 2009 was the co-recipient of the Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award.
Prof. Daniel E. Austin, Brigham Young University
Dr. Austin received the BS from Brigham Young University in 1998 and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the California Institute of Technology in 2003. He worked for 3 years as a senior member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratory before joining the chemistry faculty at Brigham Young as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry. His research interests include miniaturized mass analyzers, novel ion optics devices based on microfabrication technologies and experimental investigations of chemical processes in high-velocity impacts of microparticles and nanoparticles. He is the recipient of an American Society for Mass Spectrometry Research Award and the Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Society Starter Grant Award.
Dr. Stephen A. Lammert, Torion Technologies
Dr. Lammert received the BS degree from Indiana University and the Ph.D. from Purdue. He has worked for Finnigan Instruments (now Thermo-Electron) in various capacities. Since 1992, Dr. Lammert worked at Oak Ridge National Labor-atory, where he was Principal Investigator on the Block II Chemical/ Biological Weapon field deployable mass spectrometer and served as Head of the Analytical Spectroscopy Section in the Chemical Sciences Division. Dr. Lammert has served as R&D Director for SRD Corp. and Stillwater Scientific Instruments, both startup companies in Bangor, Maine. He is currently Senior Research Scientist at Torion Technologies in American Fork, Utah. Dr. Lammert has served as Secretary of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. He has chaired the ASMS Sanibel Conference Organizing Committee and has taught the Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry short course since its inception in 1997.
Prof. Zheng Ouyang, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University
Dr. Ouyang is an assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University and a member of CAID's technical advisory board. He received the Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Purdue University under Prof. Graham Cooks in 2002 and an MS in physical chemistry from West Virginia University, 1997. He holds a BE and ME in Automation from Tsinghua University, China. Among his many honors, he is a Distinguished Young Scholar of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, has received the Early Career Award for Translational Research in Biomedical Engineering from the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, the (U.S.) National Science Foundation Career Development Award, and the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Research Award. He invented the rectilinear ion trap, holds 5 U.S. patents, and invented the Mini 10 and Mini 11 miniature mass spectrometers. He currently leads research teams working on the next generation of miniature mass spectrometers.