2023 Annual Meeting
2023 Annual CAID Meeting
November 8th - 10th, 2023
Registration for the 15th annual Center for Analytical Instrument Development (CAID) event is now open!
How it works?
The 15th annual CAID event will take place November 8th – 10th at Purdue University (West Lafyette, IN). A total of ten workshops will be presented across this three-day event. The CAID event is an immersive experience for users who will benefit from the active learning and hands-on demonstrations involving analytical instrumentation and methods used by research groups at Purdue University. Visitors will be able to select which workshop(s) they wish to participate in, each lasting a duration of 25 minutes. The location of these workshops will take place on the Purdue University campus at the R.B. Wetherill Laboratory of Chemistry (WTHR), H.C. Brown Laboratory of Chemistry (BRWN), Hall for Discovery and Learning Research (DLR), and the Bindley Bioscience Center (BIND). A link to the Purdue campus map is found here: https://www.purdue.edu/campus-map/
A list of workshops with descriptions is below. Users can register for workshops of interest by clicking the registration link above to be taken to a sign-up registration form. There are three tabs, each corresponding to a different day of the CAID event (Wed 11/8, Thurs 11/9, and Fri 11/10). Simply add your preferred name into a blank cell to register for a specific CAID workshop at a specific day and time slot. There is a maximum of six users per workshop timeslot. Multiple time slots across the three-day event are offered for each workshop to help ensure all participants can attend their preferred workshops. When registering, please be mindful of the following:
1.) Please do not register for the same workshop more than once.
2.) Please be mindful not to register for multiple workshops that occur at the same day and time.
3.) Most importantly, please only register if you know for certain you can attend for that time slot. If you register and need to cancel, please do so immediately by deleting your name from the form.
All ten workshops will be hosted across the three-day event. However, not all workshops will be as available as others and the time slots for these are blocked off in the registration form. Users are encouraged to choose which workshops they are interested in and register early.
What workshops will be demonstrated?
1.) Using nano-DESI as a sampling technique for mass spectrometry imaging
Nanospray desorption electrospray ionization (nano-DESI) is a technique used in mass spectrometry for localized liquid extraction of sample surfaces. In a typical nano-DESI experiment, an extraction solvent is propelled through the nano-DESI probe, composed of two adjoining glass capillaries. A liquid bridge is formed at the interface of the nano-DESI probe and the sample surface. Analytes are desorbed into the liquid bridge, transferred into the probe, and ionized at the mass spectrometer inlet. To analyze the entire sample surface, a motorized xyz-stage designed to hold the sample is manipulated. This process generates thousands of data points corresponding to the ion abundance of the extracted analytes at the sample’s surface. The cumulative data is then used to generate images representing the spatial distribution of the extracted analytes. A demonstration of nano-DESI mass spectrometry imaging will involve the analysis of dyes from a sample surface. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to create a sample, set-up the nano-DESI experiment, use nano-DESI to extract the dye from the sample, and process the data to create an image of the sample.
2.) Using a rotating wall mass analyzer in ion soft-landing
Participants will have a first-hand experience with a custom soft-landing mass spectrometry instrument that uses a rotating wall mass analyzer (RWMA), a device that provides a uniform rotating electric field. The RWMA is a simple mass analyzer that separates a broad range of ions from low to extremely high m/z. When an ion beam passes through the device, different m/z ions deposit onto a surface with a ring-shaped pattern. Lower m/z ions deposit in rings with larger radii whereas larger m/z ions deposit in rings with smaller radii. The higher m/z range can be explored simply by lowering the frequency of the rotating electric field. During the workshop, participants of CAID will control the rotating electric field parameters and observe in real-time how these determine the radii of deposition of each m/z using a position sensitive detector.
3.) Chemical characterization of plastic mixtures with TPD-DART-HRMS
The environmental aspects of mixed plastic pyrolysis processes performed during waste-to-energy and recycling processes must be systematically studied as there is potential release of toxic gases and aerosols into the atmosphere. In this experiment, we apply TPD-DART-HRMS (temperature programmed desorption-direct analysis in real time-high resolution mass spectrometry) as a method to evaluate the chemical composition of pyrolyzed plastic mixtures and examine how we can use the temperature-resolved information to inform atmospheric projections. Participants will be able to interact with the instrumentation, observe the unique mass spectrum of plastic types, and visualize how this technique allows us to quantify the extent of solid-to-gas pyrolysis transformations.
4.) Complex Mixture Analysis of Bacterial Samples with a Miniature 2D-MS/MS
Two-dimensional tandem mass spectrometry (2D-MS/MS) is a novel scanning technique that analyzes the product ions of all precursor ions from a single trapped ion population in less than one second. By acquiring the 2D-MS/MS profile of each sample, this technique has proven to be capable of complex mixture analysis, e.g., biological classification and identification. The implementation of a Miniature Mass Spectrometer brings ionization, mass separation, and data analysis to the sample, thus providing immediate “in the field” information. In this experiment we will operate a Miniature Mass Spectrometer and analyze complex biological mixtures with a novel scanning technique.
5.) Precision manipulation of cellular activities with lasers
Controlling chemical processes in live cells is a challenging task. The spatial heterogeneity of biochemical reactions in cells is often overlooked by conventional means of incubating cells with desired chemicals. A comprehensive understanding of spatially diverse biochemical processes requires precise control over molecular activities at the subcellular level. Herein, we develop a closed-loop optoelectronic control system that allows the control of biomolecular activities in live cells at high spatiotemporal precision. Chemical-selective fluorescence signals are utilized to command lasers that trigger specific chemical reactions or control the activation of photoswitchable inhibitors at desired targets. We demonstrate the capability to selectively produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) solely at targeted organelles using blue light. Notably, the induction of ROS in the endoplasmic reticulum leads to a more pronounced disruption of tubulin polymerization and a reduction in green fluorescent protein signals in comparison to that in lipid droplets. Moreover, when combined with a photoswitchable inhibitor, we selectively inhibit tubulin polymerization within subcellular compartments. This technology enables subcellular spatiotemporal control over chemical processes and drug activities, exclusively at desired targets, while minimizing undesired effects on non-targeted locations.
6.) Dual ELIT for increased resolution and m/z range
The electrostatic linear ion trap (ELIT) is used for axial and radial trapping of ions between reflective mirrors with ions detected via a central cathode electrode. Ions separate in time and space and eventually can be ejected from the system by systemically lowering one of the end plate potentials. To increase resolution for a given detection total path length, the path length for a single lap can be reduced to increase frequency. However, the ion mass range is still limited. A smaller ELIT was built and positioned within the larger ELIT plates to allow for operation in a wider mass range or enhanced resolution mode. As such, this instrument will allow for good resolution with the inner ELIT and increased m/z range when combining both the inner and the outer ELIT. Demonstration of the dual ELIT setup will be shown during this workshop.
7.) Analysis of microdroplets using stochastic electrochemistry
Interrogation of microdroplets has been an interest of analytical chemists for years since they demonstrate unique and unexpected properties. While experiments which probe microdroplets are typically performed by mass spectrometrists, we show here that electrochemists can also have a role in these investigations. While electrochemical measurements are most commonly performed in bulk phases, this workshop will demonstrate the use of electrochemistry in a multiphase environment. Participants will be able to perform their own stochastic electrochemistry experiments and extrapolate out droplet size from discrete collision events. We show how this method can be used to probe aqueous microdroplets suspended in oil and drive meaningful reactions (e.g. nanoparticle deposition).
8.) Automated robotic platform for high-throughput mass spectrometry-based screening and imaging
The rapid mass spectrometric analysis of complex samples provides valuable information in applications such as the generation of spectral libraries for sample classification, the identification of biomarkers through large-scale studies, as well as the synthesis and bioactivity assessments of large compound sets necessary for drug discovery. In this experiment we will demonstrate the use of an automated platform based on desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) mass spectrometry with extensively demonstrated capabilities for the sub-second analysis of a wide variety of samples including tissue and cells, organic reactions, and biological assays. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with the automated capabilities of the system for robotic-assisted sample handling as well as rapid analysis in both high-throughput screening and imaging modalities implemented on the newest generation of this technology.
9.) Suspect Screening of pesticides in fruits using surface sampling and MRM profiling
We’re often told to avoid unhealthy foods like sugary cereals, but there are some fruits and vegetables that should also be met with caution. “Nearly 75 percent of non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides,” according to the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that aims to create a healthier environment. In this experiment, we will touch the surface of a fruit with diluted ethanol to extract molecules on its surface, and immediately analyze it using a shotgun approach for small molecules analysis named MRM profiling. In two minutes, it will be possible to screen for dozens of pesticide-related MRMs and evaluate if you should bite that apple or enjoy some grapes.
10.) Protein Mass Spectrometry: Native vs. Denatured
Top-down protein mass spectrometry is a measurement technique that involves the mass measurement of intact protein ions and their fragment ions following gas-phase dissociation. This approach can provide precise proteoform-level information about their structure. Introduction of proteins to the mass spectrometer as either denatured or natively folded ions produced by electrospray ionization results in different measurement advantages. Large proteins exhibit improved signal-to-noise ratios when observed as native ions compared to denatured measurements but fragment in different patterns. In this demonstration, we will perform top-down mass spectrometry on a high-resolution mass spectrometer with a series of protein under native and denatured conditions to evaluate the precision by which we can define their proteoforms.
Any questions regarding the CAID event or registration can be sent to Michael Espenship (mespensh@purdue.edu)