2016 Annual Meeting
September 18–September 19, 2016
Event Flyer
- Analysis of Human Brain Cancer Using Tissue Sections and Smears by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Biofluid Analysis by Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry
- Touch Spray Mass Spectrometry Using Medical Swabs for the Detection of Strep Throat Causing Bacterium and Illicit Drugs in Oral Fluid
- Reaction Acceleration by the Leidenfrost Method and Reaction Monitoring Using a Miniature Mass Spectrometer
- Fundamental Exploration of Electrospray Ionization Methods
- Ambient Pressure Ion Mobility using a 3D-printed Ion Mobility Spectrometer
Dalton Snyder (Purdue University) "Overview of Characteristics of Different Mass Analyzers"
Mass analyzers, which separate charged particles (‘ions’) by mass-to-charge ratio (m/z), can be broadly divided into two categories: 1) tandem-in-space and 2) tandem-in-time. The former category of instruments, which encompasses electric and magnetic sectors and quadrupole mass filters, requires separate stages to perform multiple functions. In contrast, tandem-in-time instruments (i.e. ion traps) store ions in a confined volume and can therefore perform successive operations using a single analyzer. In this talk, the characteristics of each mass analyzer are discussed, including the fundamental principle of m/z separation, instrumental performance, and the capabilities of each type of analyzer.
Arash Zarrine-Afsar (University of Toronto) "Optimization of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Workflow : How Multimodality Imaging Can Help"
Spatially resolved chemical content map of an ex vivo tissue slice, available through mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), can reveal disease sites such as cancer and its border in a laboratory setting. Due to the non-targeted nature of current MSI workflows, the entire surface of the excised tissue must be spatially probed in order to reveal cancer sites, even if information is sought from a sample subsection. This leads to very long analysis times. In the quest to address this limitation, feedback from non-destructive wide-field imaging modalities such as polarimetry is shown to provide effective guidance of the MSI probe to areas of polarimetric heterogeneity indicative of cancer to reduce data acquisition times. Pathologic transformations such as cancer, necrosis and cancer site heterogeneity provide sufficient polarimetric contrast to allow wide-field polarimetric image of the same tissue slice subjected to MSI to be used in guided MS imaging based on tissue depolarization rates. An optimized workflow is created that allows polarimetric, MSI and pathology assessments from same tissue slice subjected to these imaging modalities. This workflow is efficient in terms of demands made on tissue samples, and provides most rigorous method of correlating an MS image to pathology. Detailed morphometric, and digital image analysis methods are used to validate the workflow, further indicating that subtle heterogeneities in cancer biomarker ion abundances are correlated strongly to tissue density. Implementation of polarimetric imaging in the reflection mode is further shown to have utility for guiding MS sampling probes for in situ tissue work.
Abraham Badu-Tawiah (The Ohio State University) "Disease Management through a Mass Spectrometry-based On-Demand Diagnostic Approach"
Our generation faces many global challenges, including food and health. This burden is profound in the developing world where the delivery of healthcare is not only beset by limited resources but also by the uneven distribution and concentration of infrastructure in centralized urban facilities. A new on-demand diagnostic strategy has been proposed that combines the advantages of convenient onsite sample collection with reliable centralized detection. This new methodology is based on a paper-based mass spectrometry platform that employs stable and cleavable ionic probes as mass reporter; the ionic probes make possible sensitive, interruptible, storable and restorable on-demand detection. This concept is demonstrated for (i) the capture and detection Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 for ultrasensitive malaria detection, (ii) diagnosis of onset of liver injury in HIV patients by monitoring the level of alanine transaminase enzyme, and (iii) multiplexed and simultaneous detection of cancer antigen 125 and carcinoembryonic antigen for home-based cancer detection. Given the low-cost, ease of use and the ability to analyze results at a later time, there is potential for application of the technology in low resources settings, both domestically and abroad, in support of efforts by community health workers to provide the best possible care to patients. The strategy also represents a paradigm shift in which portable mass spectrometers, with limited mass range, can now be used for direct analysis of large (kDa) biomolecules.
Amar Basu (Wayne State University) "Microfluidics: Fundamentals and Applications in Mass Spectrometry"
Sunday, September 18
8:30 AM. Breakfast, Introduction and Registration (MRGN hall)
9:30 AM. Tutorial. Dalton Snyder (Purdue) “Overview of characteristics of different mass analyzers” (MRGN 121)
10:30 AM. Lab (DLR)
11:15 AM. Lab (DLR)
12:00 PM. Lab (DLR)
1:00 PM. Lunch break (MRGN hall)
2:15 PM. Lab (WTHR)
3:00 PM. Lab (WTHR)
3:45 PM. Lab (WTHR)
Monday, September 19
8:30 AM. Breakfast & coffee (MRGN hall)
9:30 AM. Talk 1 — Prof. Arash Zarrine-Afsar, University of Toronto "Optimization of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Workflow : How Multimodality Imaging Can Help" (MRGN 121)
10:15 AM. Talk 2 — Prof. Badu-Tawiah, Abraham, The Ohio State University "Disease Management through a Mass Spectrometry-based On-Demand Diagnostic Approach" (MRGN 121)
11:00 AM. Talk 3 — Prof. Amar Basu, Wayne State University "Microfluidics: Fundamentals and Applications in Mass Spectrometry" (MRGN 121)
11—1 PM. Open doors in Lab (DLR). If you did not have a chance to see the demos on Sunday, stop by the lab and talk to the exhibitors!
1 PM. Lunch and closing event (MRGN hall)