2019 Annual Meeting
September 18–September 21, 2019
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Event Flyer
- Precursor Ion Scans in a Single Linear Ion Trap
- Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments in an ion trap offer molecular structure information through the fragmentation of trapped ion species. Precursor ion scans were previously limited to quadrupole mass filter instruments. These scans will be demonstrated in a single ion trap instrument which can be readily miniaturized.
- Electroosmotic Extraction and Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Biomolecules from Individual Onion Cells
- The aim of the experiment is to characterize and quantify biomolecules present in a single onion cell using mass spectrometry. The analytes will be obtained by positioning a finely pulled pipette inside an individual cell and performing electroosmotic extraction to drag the molecules into it. Finally, the extracted solution will be sprayed into a mass spectrometer by nano-electrospray ionization to analyze the sample.
- Reaction Acceleration at Microdroplet Surfaces: Anisotropic Rate Constants for Katritzky Transamination
- Reactions are accelerated in Leidenfrost levitated droplets. Nano-electrospray ioniziation mass spectrometry is used to monitor reaction progress in Leidenfrost droplets. Rate constant is increased by three orders of magnitude at the air/liquid interface.
- Ambient Pressure Ion Mobility Spectrometry Using a 3D-Printed Ion Mobility Spectrometer
- Ion mobility spectrometry can be performed at atmospheric pressure using a 3D printed spectrometer. Operation at ambient pressure forgos the need for heavy vacuum pumps. Fused deposition modeling 3D printing with conductive filament and ambient ion mobility will be performed.
- Development of an Electrostatic Linear Ion Trap for High Performance Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- A novel home built electrostatic linear ion trap mass spectrometer is presented. Results for multiple experiments using a new mass analyzer will be shown as well as a scaled version of the actual device. Participants will get a walk-though of the ins-and-out of a home built-high resolution mass spectrometer.
- High Throughput Screening using a Modified 3D Printer
- High throughput screening is often performed with ultra-fast, expensive, centralized instruments. An alternative to this approach is inexpensive, modest throughput device on each scientist's bench. A 3D printer based device modified to perform MS analysis of reaction mixtures from 96-well plates will be presented.
- Mass Spectrometry in Operating Room
- Glioma diagnosis is becoming increasingly dependent on molecular information, including mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). This mutation may increase brain surgery success, yet conventional histopathology is incapable of providing this information during the course of surgery. This experiment will compare the use of two mass spectrometry systems, a benchtop MS and a miniature MS, to monitor the biomarker (2-hydroxyglutarate, 2-HG) and an endogenous reference (glutamic acid, GLU) in order to determine the IDH mutation status of human gliomas.
- Multiple Reaction Monitoring Profiling (MRM-Profiling): Milk
- MRM-Profiling is a strategy for exploratory metabolomics and lipidomics. It shifts the definition of metabolome from a complex moleculcar network to information of functional groups. A panel of significant precursor/product ion pairs (i.e. MRMs) can be determined from this three-stage workflow: (1) Discovery; (2) Screening; and (3) Identification. This experiment will apply this approach to diluted lipid extracts from milk samples.
September 18th-20th
We will have several demos going on each day from 1:30 pm - 5:20 pm. Further details will be given as the date approaches. Please complete the survey choosing your demos of interest, so that we may place you in small groups for an exciting, hands-on experience!
Saturday, September 21st
We will have several demos going on from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Further details will be given as the date approaches. Please complete the survey choosing your demos of interest, so that we may place you in small groups for an exciting, hands-on experience!