Intercultural Pedagogy Grant (IPG)

This grant program incentivizes intercultural competence and curriculum design training for faculty and staff embedding intercultural competence in curricular and co-curricular spaces, such as:

  • traditional, in-person study abroad and study away programs
  • on-campus courses and programs
  • remote and distance learning courses
  • virtual exchange programs, including online international collaborations

The IPG training is currently offered only during the fall semester and is a requirement of the Study Abroad Exploratory Grant.

The IPG training program was designed to be completed in advance of leading a program/course. For this reason, priority acceptance will be given to those applicants who are developing programs/courses to be implemented in the semesters after the fall training has been completed. Ideally, those implementing fall semester programs/curricula will have completed the training workshop series in the year previous or earlier, i.e., instructors and program leaders who wish to embed intercultural competence into future courses/programs should seek training now.


The Intercultural Pedagogy Grant is available primarily to West Lafayette & Indianapolis campus faculty and staff. Participants are only eligible to receive the grant funding for this training once; however, leaders may be allowed to retake the program without funding once every five years as a refresher and as space is available. External faculty and staff are not eligible for the grant but may pay a fee to receive the training (see Application section below).

IPG Application

Complete the IPG Application Qualtrics. Please provide as much information as possible about the program you are seeking support for (e.g., study abroad, virtual exchange, on-campus course, etc.).

Purdue Applicants

The Intercultural Pedagogy training is available to all Purdue University West Lafayette (PWL) and Indianapolis  faculty and staff. On a limited basis, PWL graduate students engaged in curricular or co-curricular design for PWL courses or programs may also receive the training, but are not eligible for the accompanying grant funding.

External Applicants

Practitioners outside of the Purdue West Lafayette & Indianapolis campuses who are interested in the intercultural training should send an inquiry to CILMAR ( External participants who successfully complete the IPG training will receive an Intercultural Teaching & Assessment Certificate from the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR). 

Application Deadline

  • Applications will be accepted at any time throughout the year. However the deadline to apply for each fall's training is September 1st. Any applications received after the deadline will be considered for the following year's training.
  • The program administrator, Dr. Daniel Jones, will contact each applicant to set up a one-on-one first meeting (approximately 20-30 minutes). For this reason, early submission of applications is appreciated and allows for more flexibility in scheduling.

Study Abroad Program Leaders are strongly encouraged to align the submission of their IPG applications with the deadline for the Study Abroad Proposal for their particular program:

  • Fall - March 15
  • Winter Flex - April 1 
  • Spring Break - August 15
  • Summer - September 1

*New programs should "initiate" the program proposal at least 12 months in advance.

2024 IPG Training

The training program is comprised of both synchronous and asynchronous components. There are five Brightspace training modules accompanied by one 30-minute workshop and four 90-minute workshops hosted on Zoom. The entirety of the intercultural training program takes place remotely through Brightspace modules and Zoom. In the Fall, IPG workshops will be held each week on Wednesdays or Thursdays, beginning in October. (Each workshop is offered twice to accomodate schedules.) After meeting for Workshop 1 (individually scheduled), each participant must complete the Welcome module tasks on Brightspace and continue on through Module 1 and Module 2. With the exception of Workshop 1 (meeting held prior to beginning Brightspace module work), each asynchronous training module in Brightspace is followed by an accompanying 90-minute, synchronous Zoom Workshop; therefore, it is necessary that module work be completed prior to attending workshops (e.g., Module 2 completed prior to Workshop 2).

The workshops have been designed to build expertise in curriculum design, embedding intercultural competence, facilitating intercultural learning in both in-person and virtual contexts, and to provide training on Assessment of Departmental Study Abroad Program, specifically, the BEVI and GEL Index Survey. Live attendance is expected for program workshops.

  1. IPG fulfills requirements for application to the Global Leaps Exporatory Grants.
  2. IPG fulfills level 1 requirements for the Growing Intercultural Leaders (GIL) program.
  3. The expected total time commitment for the IPG training is approximately 15 hours.
  4. A $2,000 discretionary award will be disbursed to eligible participants after they successfully complete all IPG requirements (details below).
  5. If IPG program requirements are not completed within the 2025-26 fiscal year, funding is not guaranteed.

Study Abroad Assessment Initiative

Currently, all faculty- and staff-led study abroad (FLSA) programs at Purdue must follow the guidelines for the Study Abroad Assessment Initiative, which include implementation of the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI) with student participants. As part of a Study Abroad Proposal, all leaders will submit the Global Engaged Learning (GEL) Index. CILMAR will provide support in completing both components of the Study Abroad Assessment Initiative. This initiative will be discussed as part of the IPG training.

Completion Requirements

In addition to live participation in five workshops and submission of accompanying module work, participants are required to complete the following:

  1. Test-drive of an appropriate assessment tool with a follow-up debriefing
  2. Approval of an Intercultural Learning Action Plan
  3. Collection of intercultural program assessment data and analysis from:
    1. A recently completed intercultural program -OR-
    2. Implementation of a pilot program (minimum 10 participants)
  4. Approval of the IPG Completion Report (including data analysis summary).

The $2,000 discretionary award will be disbursed to participants after successful completion of all IPG requirements. Inquiries about IPG may be sent to Dr. Daniel Jones, CILMAR Senior Intercultural Learning Specialist, at

Workshops (virtual)

Each virtual workshop will be provided twice, once on Wednesday and again on Thursday. Participants must indicate in advance which of the two sessions they plan to attend (via Outlook invite response). If the dates and times below do not fit an applicant’s Fall schedule, it is recommended that they wait until the following year. All times below are Eastern Standard time zone (West Lafayette).

Workshop Dates and Times






Intro to IPG (30 minutes)

individually scheduled


Backward Design #1: Learning Outcomes






Backward Design #2: IC Assessment Tools






Backwards Design #3: ICL Activities/Interventions






ICL Data Analysis & SA Assessment Initiative





Training Completion

IPG participants are encouraged to consult with Dr. Daniel Jones to finish program requirements by no later than the deadline: December 15th.

Requests for extensions to complete IPG requirements beyond the fall semester will be handled on a case-by-case basis but cannot be guaranteed. Failure to complete all IPG requirements within the allotted time may result in having to reapply to the program and complete the training again.

What’s next?

CILMAR offers several programs designed to support faculty and staff in both their own personal development and in helping them to embed intercultural competence in their courses and programs. Alumni of the IPG program may also want to explore the following:

  • Growing Intercultural Leaders (GIL) Program: For further training and support in embedding ICL, the GIL program provides one-on-one, multi-level mentoring to help participants grow in their own intercultural competence and in leading students in intercultural development as well. IPG fulfills requirements for Level 1 of GIL.
  • Worldview Workshops: This workshop series provides more intercultural learning activities to facilitate participant development.

A word about the establishment of the IPG program

Study abroad research (Vande Berg et al. 2009) challenges the long-held assumption that exposure to difference alone is sufficient to enhance intercultural competence. Furthermore, research findings also reveal that little positive intercultural development occurs through cross-cultural contact alone without the intentional implementation of intercultural competence goals and appropriate pedagogy. For our study abroad programs here at Purdue this means that sending or accompanying our students abroad is insufficient. We need to do more. If we truly desire for our students to develop certain intercultural knowledge, skills and/or attitudes then we need to facilitate such learning; otherwise, it will most likely not occur.With these research findings in mind, Global Partnerships and Programs (formerly International Programs) is pleased to offer the Intercultural Pedagogy (IPG) grant. IPG grants facilitate intercultural learning for faculty and staff and through them to students.

--Michael A. Brzezinski, Ed.D., former Dean of International Programs and former Vice-President of Global Partnerships and Programs. founder of CILMAR

Training Impact and Outcomes

Goals: Learning Outcomes and Evidence

Per the recommendations of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Transparency Framework and the NILOA Excellence in Assessment Standards, we provide the goals for each program offered through CILMAR.

75% of 2024 IPG participants will report increased confidence and self-efficacy in their ability to (1) use backward design, (2) apply intercultural theory in curricular design, (3) identify appropriate assessment tools and activities for intercultural learning, and (4) identify appropriate tools and instructional approaches that address challenges of the virtual classroom. Evidence will be collected via the IPG program evaluation survey administered as a Post/RetroPre survey.

Faculty and staff from a wide variety of disciplines engage in this training. The andragogical approach to this training engages participants in personal intercultural development for the benefit of developing the same in students through intentional curricular design. Learning for participants focuses on backward design of curriculum, assessment practices, and effective intercultural mentoring strategies.

Program Evaluation Results

To measure the impact of the IPG training program on participants, a Likert scale Post/Retrospective program evaluation is administered each year. The Retrospective evaluation is measured post-program but looking back to the status of the participant prior to the training. By comparing Post/Retro-test data, score changes can be interpreted as demonstrating meaningful growth in experience and confidence in areas of training.
Average Post/Retrospective change
  1. use backward design: Overall confidence in Intercultural Learning Action Plan design increased by 75.3% - Retro: 4.35 to Post: 8.12 (10pt scale)
  2. identify appropriate assessment tools and activities for intercultural learning: Ability to find intercultural and virtual tools increased by 44.7% - Retro: 2.41 to Post: 4.65 (5pt scale) 

Last updated on 2/28/2025