Choosing an Assessment Instrument

If you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you've arrived?

In accordance with the principles of assessment best practice, CILMAR's preference is to recommend--or in some cases, to create--instruments that align with one or more dimensions of our faculty-approved, rubric-derived definition of intercultural competence. By design, many of these are formative instruments. Currently there are 100+ tools which we feel able to recommend; they are gathered together for easy access in an assessment collection in the Intercultural Learning Hub.

As a Center which has its origins in Purdue's transformative learning initiative, CILMAR supports faculty in the use of a number of instruments with training and collaborative data analysis. The two proprietary intercultural survey instruments used most commonly at Purdue are the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI) and the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).

An introduction to assessments of interest

In a video provided by our colleagues at the 2020 Assessment Institute at IUPUI, Katherine N. Yngve and Aletha Stahl offer the Intercultural Competence Assessment Instrument Smack Down—an introduction to 13 qualitative and quantitative assessments. 

Also, in a series of short videos below, Katherine Yngve introduces seven valid and reliable ways of measuring an individual’s comfort with difference in either domestic or global contexts, and offers opinions as to the advantages and/or disadvantages of each.

AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric

This video presents the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric, a validated free instrument, consisting of performance-level descriptions that allow for inter-rater reliability when measuring six aspects of cross-cultural effectiveness, as demonstrated in either qualitative data or artifacts of student learning. It was created through an iterative consensus-based process involving subject-matter experts from many universities and community colleges.

Attitudes, Skills & Knowledge Short Scale Plus (A.S.K.S²+)

 This video explains the Attitudes, Skills & Knowledge Short Scale Plus (A.S.K.S²+), which is a free, short survey instrument constructed by Dr. Charles Calahan, that combines the constructs of the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge & Competence VALUE Rubric (see above) with a 6-point Likert Scale based on Blooms Affective Domain Taxonomy, a ranked scale of emotional learning outcomes. In addition, the video touches very briefly on two related survey tools: the Global Learning Short Scale, and the Civic Engagement Short Scale.

A 2-part series of videos on the facilitation of the A.S.K.S²+ by co-author Horane A. Diatta-Holgate is below:

Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI)

This video introduces the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI), a proprietary survey instrument, which draws upon Dr. Craig Shealey’s Equilintegration Model (2004) to answer the question “How do an individual’s beliefs and values shape that individual’s work, relationships and life?” and also, in what ways does any given educational experience shift or transform a person or group? It measures, among other things, Tolerance of Disequilibrium, Self/Other Access, Critical Thinking and Ecological Resonance.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

The Cultural Intelligence (CQ) assessment addresses four capabilities that need to be developed in order to relate and work effectively with people from different backgrounds. Cultural Intelligence begins with CQ Drive—the curiosity and motivation needed to work well with others. Next is CQ Knowledge—understanding the kinds of differences that describe one group versus the next, without resorting to stereotyping specific cultures. Third is CQ Strategy—learning how to plan effectively in light of cultural differences. And finally is CQ Action—being able to adapt behavior when the situation requires it.

For more information, please go here or contact Dr. Chuck Calahan, Center for Instructional Excellence,


This installment of our video series explores the icEdge, a proprietary survey instrument, which grew out of the collaborations of a team of three behavioral scientists, Dr. Wendy Adair, Dr. Nancy Buchan and Dr. Xiaoping Chen, beginning in 2002. Primarily a formative instrument, it measures communicative style and behaviors, and is unusual in including time management preferences in its definition of communication style.

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)

In this video, we discuss the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) a proprietary survey instrument, built upon Dr. Milton Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (1986).  The model, based in grounded theory research, sought to explain how different people experience and engage with difference; the survey quantitatively defines one’s stage of development along that model.

Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES)

This broadcast discusses the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES), a proprietary survey instrument which was developed from Black, Mendenhall and Oddou’s (1991) model defining the skills needed by expatriates to adjust to a new culture and work situation. From this research, several survey instruments have been developed; the IES is specific to college-aged students, and dates back to about 2008.

Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale-Short Form (M-GUDS-S)

In this installment of our assessment series, we discuss the short, 15-question form of the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale-Short Form (M-GUDS-S).  This free and validated instrument was developed through the efforts of Dr. Marie Miville, a licensed psychologist, and her colleagues. Measuring both appreciation of similarity and capacity to value difference, it has been used in contexts ranging from study abroad, to Malaysian secondary schools to a US police academy.

Updated March 14, 2025