The SAIL Scholarship

The Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR), through funding from Purdue's Global Partnership & Programs, has created the Semester Abroad in Intercultural Learning (SAIL) Scholarship Program. As part of this scholarship program, CILMAR offers mentored, distance learning courses that assist students in their intercultural learning and development while abroad. SAIL courses challenge students to engage with their host-country’s culture in meaningful ways while supporting them in the development of intercultural attitudes, skills, and knowledge. Mentors share their experiences and insights to help students make connections between course content and lived experiences while studying abroad. Students who successfully complete the requirements of the program will receive a $1000 scholarship


Students wishing to take part in the SAIL scholarship program must:

  • Be a Purdue, main campus (West Lafayette), undergraduate, degree-seeking student (of any nationality; no FAFSA required)
  • Be participating in a credit-bearing approved semester or academic year-long study abroad program through Purdue University
  • Must have at least one semester of classes to complete after returning from study abroad
  • Be available to begin the mentored course approximately two weeks prior to departure in person (preferable) or online


  • Fall Semester / Academic Year Programs:  April 1
  • Spring Semester Programs:  October 10

Note: This deadline pertains only to participation in this scholarship program; deadlines for course registration, study abroad applications, or applications for other forms of financial aid may differ.

Application process

Prior to applying for the SAIL scholarship, students must first apply to an approved semester or academic year program on the Purdue Study Abroad website. When the academic information has been downloaded to the student’s My Study Abroad page, the student will then be able to access the SAIL scholarship application via a green box at the top of the page.

Students must complete the SAIL scholarship application by selecting the criteria that applies to the relevant study abroad program and academic requirements. When applying to a co-sponsored program, students must verify course availability with the hosting study abroad program provider. This is to verify that the course is actually available in the location and during the semester of your program. The best method for this verification is to contact a representative of the Program Provider. The response email can be forwarded on to Dr. Daniel Jones, the SAIL program coordinator. 

SAIL applications will be accepted after acceptance into a semester or year-long study abroad program.

SAIL scholarships are disbursed to Student Bursar accounts in the return semester following the studying abroad and only if the distance learning course is successfully completed.

Questions regarding the SAIL Scholarship and eligible courses should be directed to Dr. Daniel Jones, the scholarship and course coordinator.


To measure the impact of SAIL courses on student intercultural development the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is used to measure the developmental mindset of students on a scale of 55 (monocultural mindset) to 145 (intercultural mindset). The IDI is administered prior to departure and again at the end of the semester abroad. By comparing pre/post-test data, score changes can be interpreted as demonstrating meaningful progression, stasis (no change), or meaningful regression. Stasis is considered any change within ±7 points. Meaningful progression is any change of +7 points or higher. Meaningful regression is any change of -7 points or lower.

Average pre/post-IDI change

  • Fall 2022: +7.83
  • Spring 2023: +11.36

The above are compared to a (Spring 2023) control group receiving no intercultural mentoring or instruction: +3.61

Goals: Learning Outcomes and Evidence

Per the recommendations of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Transparency Framework and the NILOA Excellence in Assessment Standards, we provide the goals for each student program offered through CILMAR.

  • Recruit culturally diverse students and incorporate learners' voices, experiences, and values through intercultural and inclusive mentoring. 
  • Support 50% of mentored students to exhibit a lower regression rate than in the previous year. Evidence is matched via comparison of individual IDI pre and post scores. Specifically, there will be a 50% decline in the rate of IDI regression as compared to previous year. Regression is defined as decreasing the Developmental Orientation score by 7 or more points. 
  • 20% of mentored groups will exhibit a higher average IDI gain than in the previous year. If attained this will amount to an 8.5-point gain for group-mentored cohorts.
  • Cultivate a sense of global citizenship, understanding one's role and responsibility in a global context by engaging learners in curriculum that promotes intercultural and DEIB tenets and develop an awareness of cultural nuances and differences. 

Updated 5/1/2024