What is intercultural competence?
Because the term is composed of familiar components – inter (between), cultural (related to groups of people who share beliefs, values, and practices), competence (skill or capacity) – it can be easy to grasp a surface understanding: intercultural competence is the capacity to interact skillfully between your own and another cultural group.
That surface understanding is not necessarily wrong, but scholarship demonstrates that intercultural competence is much more complex. Published research theorizes components of intercultural competence, provides multiple models for how it develops, and analyzes how it manifests in specific settings. Each of its components is also debated. Why not just “cultural” competence? What about “competency” instead? Not least, intercultural competence can be examined in relation to adjacent concepts and frameworks such as cultural intelligence, cultural humility, global competency, cross-cultural communication, etc.
Whatever the scholarly debates, the research on intercultural competence has crystallized misconceptions— sometimes even widespread assumptions like the idea that cultural immersion inevitably leads to intercultural competence—that get in the way of understanding the complexity of intercultural competence.
Because we in CILMAR encounter these misconceptions daily in our work, we offer you the list of misconceptions below. Each misconception includes a short re-conception supported by research. We hope that this list will help you better understand intercultural competence and as result more effectively support its growth in yourself and in others.
Research directly contradicts this belief. In fact, viewpoints bumping up against one another can be a catalyst for innovation. Building on this idea, Lencioni (2002) referred to Fear of Conflict as one of the Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Teams that leverage the difference within them tend to be the tails of the bell curve – that is, both the best and worst functioning. It seems that people either leverage their differences or let them get in the way of successful teamwork; homogenous teams, on the other hand, tend to be mediocre.
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January 25, 2025
Updated February 25, 2025