Worldview Workshops

What are Worldview Workshops?

If Purdue is to fulfill its promise to be a welcoming community for its members who come from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, then people on the front lines deserve support that equips them intellectually and emotionally to face the challenges embedded in that promise.

The most important lesson I learned. . . was to not be afraid to ask questions about someone else!! It is better to be aware and informed than assume wrongly.

Worldview Workshops were created to provide just that. Designed for academic advisors, front office staff, and other faculty and staff in public-facing positions, they offer the opportunity to step back and ponder with others the role cultural difference plays in the daily work environment. 

[M]y greatest takeaway. . . was that you have to have an understanding of yourself and recognize how your own cultural background and experiences can influence your perspective of others. It is this recognition that enables us to begin to re-evaluate some of those perspectives (and ourselves) in order to improve our understanding of different cultures.

Consisting of six virtual sessions, five synchronous and one asynchronous, the Workshops use activities and facilitated dialogues to create the “aha” moments and deep reflection that lead to intercultural and global learning in the areas of cultural self-awareness, communication, empathy, and awareness of cultural differences. They also recognize that each participant brings valuable experience and insights to the table and create a space for collaborative and social learning to the degree each participant feels comfortable. By engaging in Worldview Workshops, participants will learn how to: 

  • Identify their own cultural rules and lenses 
  • Recognize cultural perspectives, worldviews, and a vast range of cultural experiences. 
  • Apply their knowledge of different communication styles to develop relationships across cultural differences. 
  • Identify different aspects of empathy and employ it as a strategy to bridge cultural differences and to create a more connected and welcoming community.

Participants who complete all six sessions earn a certificate. 


Registration for Worldview Workshops opens March 3, 2025

Registration for Purdue West Lafayette/Indianapolis attendees open from March 3 to March 25, 2025 at

Poster with details about Worldview Workshops

Worldview Workshop Certificate Recipients

Goals: Learning Outcomes and Evidence

Per the recommendations of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Transparency Framework and the NILOA Excellence in Assessment Standards, we provide the goals for each program offered through CILMAR.

75% of Worldview Workshop participants will demonstrate level three empathy and level three self-awareness as measured by the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric as well as level two perspective-taking as measured by the AAC&U Global Learning VALUE Rubric. Evidence will be provided by the qualitative analysis of participants’ reflections and by retro pre/post administration of a survey consisting of relevant parts of the Intercultural Attitudes Skills and Knowledge Short Scale (ASKS2) and Global Learning Short Scale (GLS), given in the final workshop. 

I need to continually be curious about others. I practice a lot of empathy, but understanding the difference between intent and impact was very enlightening.

Updated January 29, 2025