Going from bottom to top of the left Toolbox menu, users can first search learning objectives according to the facets of the AAC&U Intercultural and Knowledge VALUE Rubric and then add into the search such logistical elements as whether an experiential activity, assessment, curriculum, media, or reflection/debriefing tool is needed (Tool Type), time available, kinesthetic abilitites of the group, etc.
A tutorial for searching the HubICL is available below.
There is also a helpful visual guide here.
Besides using the left hand menu to search for content in the Toolbox, users can also use the Tag function and type into the search box to see if any of the Tools have been tagged with your search word.
When your search results include a tool with the book icon, you have found a resource which is one of the most robust ICL resources in the Toolbox. These include a complete lesson plan, participant instructions, and (usually) more, created by the CILMAR staff.
Being published in the HubICL could be a great addition to a portolio!
There are several ways to get started:
Regardless of your contribution area, you will need to first create an account at hubicl.org/register.
Dont' let the process stand between you and your submission. Please reach out to cilmar@purdue.edu if you need assistance. We are glad to help!