Purdue-India Partnership, Strategic Partner Collaboration, 2024: Purdue Presidential Delegation, India

Purdue-India Partnership, Strategic Partner Collaboration, 2024: Purdue Presidential Delegation, India

Global Partners Collaboration Grants

Global Partnerships and Programs is pleased to announce the Global Partners Collaboration Grants. These grants are designed to cultivate and deepen Purdue’s collaborations with strategic partner institutions. GPP will provide up to $10,000 for activities, which may include workshops, mobility programs, or other creative ideas that ultimately enhance Purdue’s relationship with a current or emerging strategic partner institution.

Grant Details

  • Grant Amount: Up to $10,000.
  • PurposeTo cultivate and deepen Purdue’s collaborations with strategic partner institutions. GPP will provide up to $10,000 for activities, which may include workshops, mobility programs, or other creative ideas that ultimately enhance Purdue’s relationship with a current or emerging strategic partner institution. Must show evidence of prior collaboration and potential future impact. Proposals must involve more than one faculty or staff member from each institution, demonstrate existing connections with the partner, and focus on creating or expanding long-term sustainable collaborations. Except in unusual circumstances, the partner university should provide matching funds. 
  • Application Deadline: Applications accepted twice a year. First deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025. Second deadline: Friday, September 26, 2025.


  • Applicants: All Purdue University West Lafayette and Indianapolis full-time faculty and staff with serious intent to advance international partnerships. Faculty eligibility includes research, teaching, and tenure-track faculty; staff does not include graduate assistants. Only one application per potential program may be submitted and a maximum of one award per academic year may be granted.
  • Program Focus: The proposed collaboration should be designed to develop new or strengthen existing partnerships between Purdue University and international institutions and should demonstrate how it will help meet Purdue’s internationalization goals.
  • LocationGrant applications to locations designated as level 3 or 4 according to the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Advisory System will not be accepted (except for Colombia, due to Purdue's strategic partnership).

 Proposal Submission:

  • Submit ApplicationComplete the Global Partners Collaboration Grants Application Form.
  • Required Documents: Include the following with your application:
    • Proposal NarrativeDetails regarding the need for, objectives of, and expected outcomes of the activity. Provide additional details regarding the potential collaboration that you wish to develop with this institution. 
    • BudgetPresent a detailed budget of expected expenses and how the grant will help cover these costs. Cost-share is required. If the grant funds are insufficient to cover the cost of the activity, please explain how the remaining costs will be covered. Note that, in most cases, funds will be transferred to the applicant's account upon confirmation of the activity's commencement and must be administered by the applicant/his or her business office. 
    • Letters of Institutional Support from the Purdue department head and from the partner institution.

Submission Deadline:

  • Applications accepted twice a year. First deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025. Second deadline: Friday, September 26, 2025. Applications should also be submitted at least two months prior to the intended activity.  

Review Process:

  • Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the potential impact of the program, feasibility of the collaboration, clarity of objectives, and alignment with Purdue’s internationalization goals.  
  • Decision NotificationThese grant applications are reviewed bi-annually. Applicants can expect to be notified about the status of their application within one month of the submission deadline. 

Award Expectations:

  • Activity: Conduct the activity within twelve months from the date of application.
  • Summary ReportSubmit a comprehensive summary report within 60 days of concluding the collaboration to gpp@purdue.edu.