Giant Leaps for Global Impact is a bold, multiyear initiative that underscores Purdue’s commitment to international education and research, transnational partnerships, and the values of a modern global land-grant university.
A cornerstone of the campaign is the new Global Impact Fund, designed to catalyze international collaboration and innovation through eight distinct grant programs targeting all Purdue stakeholders, including students, faculty, and staff.
Global Partners Collaboration Grants are designed to cultivate and deepen Purdue’s collaborations with strategic partner institutions. GPP will provide up to $10,000 for activities, which may include workshops, mobility programs, or other creative ideas that ultimately enhance Purdue’s relationship with a current or emerging strategic partner institution. (Learn More and Apply)
Global Professional Development Grants are designed to support Purdue staff who wish to deepen their knowledge or experience in areas with a global focus that would enhance the staff member’s ability to support Purdue’s internationalization goals. GPP will provide up to $1,500 for activities, which may include taking courses, or attending seminars, webinars, workshops, conferences, networking events, etc. (Learn More and Apply)
International Short-Term Visitor Grants are designed to bring distinguished visitors to Purdue University. GPP will provide up to $3,000 to bring visitors for events such as conferences, workshops, lectures, or performances for the purpose of fostering global learning, research, and/or engagement in alignment with Purdue’s internationalization goals. (Learn More and Apply)
International Travel Grants are designed to invest in global engagement that supports a faculty member’s international research, teaching, or engagement work. GPP will provide up to $2,000 for travel, which may include participation in major disciplinary or interdisciplinary conferences in international venues, or participation in smaller workshops or working sessions. (Learn More and Apply)
New Ideas Grants are designed to support new and innovative ideas that are outside the box that enhance Purdue’s global impact in any of the three land-grant pillar areas of discovery, learning, or engagement. GPP will provide up to $10,000 for activities. (Learn More and Apply)
Student Enrichment Grants are designed to support internationalization at Purdue by providing Purdue student groups funding for international activities on campus. GPP will provide up to $1,000 for activities, which may include hosting visiting lecturers, speakers, film series, exhibitions, cultural center events, competitions, festivals, artistic performances, or other public activities that support international engagement on campus. (Learn More and Apply)
Giant Leaps Exploratory Grants are designed to support faculty and staff in developing new study abroad programs. GPP will provide up to $3,000 to help offset travel costs associated with visiting potential study abroad destinations, ensuring the establishment of high-quality, faculty/staff-led international programs. (Learn More and Apply)
Giant Leaps Scholarships are available to assist undergraduate students of any major with costs associated with a study abroad program. Scholarship amounts vary. (Learn More and Apply)