Student Enrichment Grants are designed to support internationalization at Purdue by providing Purdue student groups funding for international activities on campus. GPP will provide up to $1,000 for activities, which may include hosting visiting lecturers, speakers, film series, exhibitions, cultural center events, competitions, festivals, artistic performances, or other public activities that support international engagement on campus.
Grant Details
- Grant Amount: Up to $1,000.
- Purpose: To support internationalization at Purdue by providing Purdue student groups funding for international activities on campus. These may include hosting visiting lecturers, speakers, film series, exhibitions, cultural center events, competitions, festivals, artistic performances, and other public activities that support international engagement on campus.
- Application Deadline: Applications accepted twice a year. First deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025. Second deadline: Friday, September 26, 2025.
- Applicants: All full-time Purdue University West Lafayette and Indianapolis students with serious intent to host an event or program that supports international engagement or cultural enrichment on campus. Only one grant application per student organization is allowed at any given time and a maximum of one award per academic year may be received.
Proposal Submission:
- Submit Application: Complete the Student Enrichment Grant Application Form.
- Required Documents: Include the following with your application:
- Proposal Narrative: Details regarding the need for, objectives of, and expected outcomes of the activity. Provide additional details regarding how the activity will foster international engagement on campus.
- Budget: Present an overview of all expected expenses for the activity and how costs outside the grant amount will be covered. Note that, in most cases, funds will be transferred to the applicant's account upon confirmation of the activity's commencement and must be administered by the applicant.
- Letter of Institutional Support from student group faculty advisor.
Submission Deadline:
- Applications accepted twice a year. First deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025. Second deadline: Friday, September 26, 2025. Applications should also be submitted at least two months prior to the intended activity.
Review Process:
- Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the potential impact of the program, feasibility of the activity, clarity of objectives, and alignment with Purdue’s internationalization goals. Applications should outline any community partners/stakeholders that will be engaged and expected outcomes.
- Decision Notification: These grant applications are reviewed bi-annually. Applicants can expect to be notified about the status of their application within one month of the submission deadline.
Award Expectations:
- Activity: Conduct the activity within six months from the date of application.
- Summary Report: Submit a summary report within 60 days of conclusion of the activity to