Global Partnerships and Programs is pleased to announce the Global Professional Development Grants. These grants are designed to support Purdue staff who wish to deepen their knowledge or experience in areas with a global focus that would enhance the staff member’s understanding of their work and ability to support Purdue’s internationalization goals. GPP will provide up to $1,500 for activities, which may include taking courses, or attending seminars, webinars, workshops, conferences, networking events, etc.
Grant Details
- Grant Amount: Up to $1,500.
- Purpose: To support Purdue staff who wish to deepen their knowledge or experience in areas with a global focus that would enhance the staff member’s ability to support Purdue’s internationalization goals. This may include taking courses or attending seminars, webinars, workshops, conferences, networking events, etc.
- Application Deadline: Rolling submissions until grant funds have been expended for the year.
- Applicants: All full-time Purdue University West Lafayette and Indianapolis staff. Note: Staff does not for this purpose. Only one application per professional development opportunity may be submitted and a maximum of one award per academic year may be granted.
- Location: Grant applications for travel to locations designated as level 3 or 4 according to the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Advisory System will not be accepted (except for Colombia, due to Purdue's strategic partnership).
Proposal Submission:
- Submit Application: Complete the Global Professional Development Grant Application Form.
- Required Documents: Include the following with your application:
- Proposal Narrative: Details regarding the need for, objectives of, and expected outcomes of the professional development opportunity. Provide additional details regarding how pursuing this opportunity will better support you in carrying out the functions of your role.
- Budget: Present an overview of expected expenses (travel, accommodation, meals, registration costs, etc.) and how any costs outside the grant amount will be covered. Note that, in most cases, funds will be transferred to the applicant's account upon confirmation of the activity's commencement and must be administered by the applicant/his or her business office.
- Letter of Institutional Support from supervisor.
Submission Deadline:
- At least two months prior to the intended professional development opportunity.
Review Process:
- Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the potential impact of the program, feasibility of the opportunity, clarity of objectives, and alignment with Purdue’s internationalization goals.
- Decision Notification: Applicants will typically be notified of award decisions within two weeks of application submission.
Award Expectations:
- Professional Development Opportunity: Attend or take part in the professional development opportunity within six months from the date of application.
- Summary Report: Submit a summary report within 60 days of returning from the professional development opportunity to