J-1: Off Campus Consultations and Lectures
The Department of State (DOS) allows for occasional lectures and consultations that are incidental to the J-1 professor, research scholar or short-term scholars' objective at Purdue. Wages and remuneration are allowed if the following criteria and procedures are satisfied:
The occasional lectures or short-term consultations shall:
- Be directly related to the objectives of the J-1 scholar's program
- Be incidental to the objective of the stay at Purdue (thus not delaying the completion of the J-1 scholar's program)
- Be for a period for 30 calendar days or less
- (Note that if you will be away from campus for more than 21 days, you'll need to report your new address to intlscholars@purdue.edu)
Required Documents to request ISS authorization letter
- Letter from the invitor (on letterhead and with signature) setting forth the terms and conditions of the offer to lecture or consult, including the
- dates
- field or subject,
- amount of compensation and
- description of the activity
- Letter from the Purdue Department Head:
- supporting the activity, and
- indicating that this activity is related to the original objective of the J-1 scholar's visit to Purdue
Request the ISS authorization letter by making an appointment with the J-1 scholar counselor or by submitting a Visiting Faculty/Staff Request Form to the front desk (in which case, the ISS authorization letter will be ready within 10 business days). On the Request form page 2, please mark "Other" and write "Occasional lecture or consultation permission."