Airport Parking

There are currently services offered for Purdue employees at the Indianapolis International Airport and the Chicago airports. These services and discounts are described below.

ParkIND Proximity Card

Indianapolis International Airport has provided a Purdue-specific rate of $14 per day for parking on the fifth floor of the Airport Terminal Parking Garage, which is lower than the daily public rate for garage parking. Purdue will reimburse faculty and staff for the full $14 per day rate when used for business travel.

To be eligible for this rate for business or personal travel, travelers must sign up for a free ParkIND Proximity Card, using their Purdue University, Purdue University Fort Wayne, or Purdue University Northwest email address. Once the membership is activated, travelers can log in to their ParkIND Plus account at any time to update their profile, add or change credit/debit cards, check point balances, print detailed receipts or redeem points for free parking.

The Proximity Card must be presented at the time of parking to be eligible for Purdue’s discounted daily rate. If using the Proximity Card for personal travel, remember to use a personal debit or credit card as the payment method in the account. Personal travel expenses cannot be charged to Purdue Travel cards and are not eligible for reimbursement by Purdue.

Travelers may continue to park in the Economy Lot at a rate of $9 per day, and Purdue will reimburse for the full $9 per day rate.

FastPark & Relax

FastPark & Relax offers a less expensive parking option for business and leisure travel and provides many additional perks compared to traditional airport parking lots. A number of perks are listed below.

  • Guaranteed parking is available in well-lit, fenced areas with security monitoring
  • Continual shuttle service runs 24 hours a day
  • Users are picked up and dropped off directly at their vehicle
  • Shuttle drivers load and unload luggage
  • At drop off, shuttle drivers shovel a path to the vehicle when snow has accumulated and will remain there until the car is started
  • Emergency vehicle services are provided at no additional charge for lockouts, dead batteries and flat tires
  • A rewards system is available (see below)

Fast Park & Relax


Service is available at a number of airports across the United States. The most common location for Purdue employees to use is in Indianapolis at 8550 Stansted Road.

 Fast Park Map

Purdue members receive a daily discounted rate when using their Purdue email address for their FastPark account, and membership includes all of the features and advantages noted above.

Enroll in FastPark Rewards

  • Use Purdue's partner link and promo code, and enter your Purdue email address to get started
  • No reservations are necessary as a FastPark rewards member, though they are encouraged to guarantee a parking space
  • Earn and redeem points for free parking
  • Ticketless entry and exit from the parking facility
  • Online 24/7 account access includes parking history, ability to print receipts, certificates for free parking and more