Registrations and Memberships

  • Registration fees for attendance at professional meetings/conferences may be reimbursed upon submission of an itemized receipt. If receipts are not provided by the conference/workshop, it is the traveler's responsibility to obtain an acceptable proof of the claim for reimbursement, i.e., proof of payment (credit card receipt) and a supporting document indicating the conference registration amount and any items included in the fee.
    • Meals provided as a part of the registration fee must be deducted from Fixed Meal Allowance (per diem) on the expense report.
    • Books, publications, CDs, etc. from conferences are reimbursable but then become property of the department. A comment must be added to the line item on the travel expense report.
  • Individual membership dues are allowable expenses if there is a business purpose, and the amount of the dues does not exceed $500.00. Payment for membership dues through Concur must be accompanied by a registration fee on the expense report.
    • Payment of membership dues ONLY should not be paid via the Travel card.
    • Costs of memberships are typically not allowable as direct costs to sponsored projects.
  • Expenses subject to documentation.