Travel on Sponsored Program Funds (Fund – 46010000)

Domestic and foreign travel charged to sponsored projects should follow Purdue University Travel Regulations, unless federal regulations or the funding sponsor imposes greater restrictions. Please note that when traveling on Sponsored Program funds, receipts and supporting documentation must be kept for 10 years after the fiscal year in which the travel occurred.

Travel is allowable as a direct cost when such travel will provide direct benefit to the award. If federally funded, sponsored awards are subject to certain federal laws and the guidelines set forth in the Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200—uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards. Sponsored Program Service’s Post Award area sends out a notice of award that will indicate any travel restrictions or requirements of approvals that may be required for the project before incurring and/or submitting any travel cost for reimbursement. When there is a conflict between university policy and award requirements, the more restrictive policy applies. Contact the Post Award Sponsored Funding administrator for guidance.

Certification of Pay while on Travel

If an individual receives their payroll from a sponsored program, business travel expenses should be paid from the same source. Guidance on payment processing and certifications can be found Certification of Pay while on Travel (PDF).

Travel for University Business (II.A.3)

The following information is provided in the Travel for University Business (II.A.3) policy

"Individuals using sponsored program funds to supplement or pay for University Business travel expenses are required to educate themselves or consult with Sponsored Program Services on the rules of the sponsor and to exercise prudence when making travel arrangements that will be covered by sponsored program funds. Travelers may be subject to more restrictive rules than those of the University and are required to follow the most restrictive rules. The University is not obligated to cover expenses that are not allowable on sponsored programs or denied by the sponsor. Some sponsors, particularly federal granting agencies, may not allow certain expenses that the University typically does. If the expenses meet all conditions of this policy and the associated Travel Regulations, the University may cover them.

Travelers who work on sponsored projects may be required to disclose University Business travel costs paid for or reimbursed by an entity other than Purdue University. Refer to the definition of Significant Financial Interests in the policy on Individual Financial Conflicts of Interest (III.B.2)." 

Possible Restrictions

The following list highlights some common sponsored travel restrictions that may be placed on domestic and/or foreign travel. Some awards may:

  • Prohibit travel
  • Require pre-authorization by Sponsor for each trip
  • Restrict the travel to what was proposed
  • Limit travel to a specific destination or purpose
  • Specify maximum meal, mileage or other cost rates

Fly America Act

The Fly America Act requires employees to use a U.S. Flag Carrier if the trip is federally funded. Sponsored travel must be justified, well documented, in compliance with the sponsor requirements and incurred within the period of the award. The supporting documentation must be clear on how the travel supports the award. Charges that are split between two or more projects must demonstrate how the trip specifically benefits each project respectively.

Expenses are subject to documentation requirements.