
Employees and approving managers who do not comply with these regulations may be subject to the following:

  • Reimbursement delays for improper documentation
  • Non-reimbursement or personal liability for regulation violation
  • Disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment

Escalation Process for Outstanding Travel Card Charges

Best Practices:

  • When travel card charges post to your Concur, immediately create an expense report by filling out the Header information with the exact or estimated travel dates and assign all associated charges to that report with their receipts attached.

  • We highly encourage delegates to ensure they are receiving emails for the travelers they delegate for, so they receive the below escalations.

Travel Card charges are in Available Expenses and unassigned to an expense report:

  • 1st Contact: 30 Days from Transaction Date
    • Transactions are to be assigned to an Expense Report, even if for future travel.
    • Future travel expense reports are not to be submitted until the travel concludes.
    • Travel expense receipts are to be uploaded into Concur and attached to expenses.
    • Recipients: Traveler & Delegate (if they have emails turned on)
  • 2nd Contact: 60 Days from transaction date
    • Purdue Travel will place these transactions into an expense report with the travel end date at the earliest posted transaction date.
    • This initiates the below email notifications and the traveler/delegate will need to move the transactions into appropriate expense reports to avoid possible personal responsibility if they reach 180 days.
    • Recipients: Traveler & Delegate (if they have emails turned on)

Travel Card charges in an Unsubmitted Expense Report:

  • 1st Contact: 90 Days from Travel End Date
    • Recipients: Traveler & Delegate (if they have emails turned on), Fiscal Approver of assigned account
  • 2nd Contact: 120 Days from Travel End Date
    • Recipients: Traveler, Delegate (if they have emails turned on) and Fiscal Approver of assigned account

  • 3rd Contact: 150 Days from Travel End Date
    • Recipients: Traveler, Delegate (if they have emails turned on) and Fiscal Approver of assigned account
  • Final Contact: 180 Days from Travel End Date
    • Purdue Travel will be submitting the Expense Report on the traveler’s behalf and the traveler may be personally responsible. See Reimbursement for more details.
    • Recipients: Traveler, Delegate (if they have emails turned on) and Fiscal Approver of assigned account.

      Please email for questions or assistance.