
Payment to the traveler will be made after completion of trip, based on documented, reasonable and actual business travel expenses supported by original, itemized receipts. Reimbursement is not allowed for items provided free of charge, such as airline travel vouchers/certificates, frequent flyer miles, loyalty award programs for air, hotel, car, etc. The university processes the reimbursement via direct deposit after the approval of the submitted expense report.

To ensure expenditures are correctly reported, all travelers should submit their receipts within 30 days from the last day of travel. Travelers should submit their travel expense report within 60 days after completion of travel. The travel expense report is used to total all expenses incurred for the trip, deduct any amounts for pre-paid expenses, travel cash advances and any expenses deemed to be personal, and determine if a reimbursement is owed to the traveler or if the traveler needs to return unused cash advance funds.

  • Unreconciled travel transactions and/or expense reports that are not cleared within 180 days after the last day of official business travel could be reported as additional wages to the employee. Those transactions that do not have a receipt will be marked personal and could be deducted from the traveler’s payroll. Those transactions that do have a receipt will first be considered for discretionary funds, if those are not available, they will be marked personal and will be deducted from the traveler’s payroll. The report will then be submitted by Purdue Travel for processing.

Reimbursement will not be allowed for submission after 180 days after the last day of official business travel. Exceptions to the 180 days will require approval from the dean, department head and the traveler’s business office.