Green Zone Workshop

Green zone logo in black, white, and gold

The Green Zone workshop empowers participants to support military-connected students, staff and faculty and create change on campus. Over 1,000 students, staff, faculty and community members have participated in Green Zone workshop since 2013 to provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of the veteran and military experience as well as develop tools to better serve these students. There is no cost associated with attending Green Zone. 

Also offered in the Fall and Spring is a Green Zone Student Panel. The panel is made up of students from a variety of backgrounds; veteran, active duty, reserve or National Guard, ROTC, and family member. The panel is moderated with an opportunity for Q&A.

Registering For Green Zone Training

Bryan Arbic, Assistant Director of the Veteran and Military Success Center, is presenting three Green Zone workshops to staff and faculty who are interested in learning more about the military, military connected education benefits, and the transition to higher education with a military background. 

Green Zone Training is free to attend. Please reach out to Bryan Arbic ( if you have any questions.

Register Here

Session Times

The exact location for each event, including room number, will be sent to participants via email roughly one week before the event.

  • West Lafayette Campus In-Person: 10a.m. - 12p.m., Friday, March 28
  • West Lafayette Campus In-Person: 1-3p.m., Wednesday, April 9
  • West Lafayette Campus In-Person: 1-3p.m., Tuesday, April 22

More About This Training

By attending a Green Zone Training session or student panel, attendees will:

  • Develop an understanding of military terminology and experience
  • Learn about the military-connected population at Purdue
  • Develop an understanding about the transition from the military to campus
  • Identify campus resources that can provide support to military-connected students


"I can say that I learned a lot from (Green Zone). I didn’t think that I would, because of having worked so closely with the ARMY for two years, but I did!! I already knew, in the ARMY there are no excuses; just results. I already understood that when you say you will do something; it will be done, just like instructed, and in the allowed time; but I left the training having learned a great deal more." (Past Green Zone participant)

Pre-Training Resources

The following are some links if you wish to familiarize yourself before attending a training.

If you would like to schedule a session for your department or work group, please contact the Veteran and Military Success Center.

Last updated: March 2025

Veterans Success Center, PMU 284/286, 101 N. Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-7638,

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