GRAD 60000 Mentoring Intercultural Growth

Intercultural competence, or the capacity to interact effectively and empathetically across perspectives, is key for satisfactory professional and interpersonal relationships and is central to world readiness. It entails knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are most often developed through intentional and supported efforts. For this reason, leaders in many sectors are called upon to mentor intercultural competence in others - formally or informally, individually or in groups, face-to-face or in virtual settings. 

CILMAR offers GRAD 60000 to support the capacity your capacity to mentor intercultural competence in others. The course asks you to engage in experiential learning and reflective practices in addition to acquiring knowledge. Key topics of the course include frameworks and models for intercultural competence; mentorship; relevant learning theories; designing, facilitating, and assessing intercultural learning; and the role of AI in intercultural learning.   

Course activities include, among others, group discussion of course materials, student leadership of intercultural learning activities, and developing a plan for continuing your growth as an intercultural mentor. You will also select among several assignments such as sample data assessment, writing a case study, and designing an activity for children.

The course is open to currently-enrolled Purdue graduate students and to non-degree seekers who are admitted through the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars. It has traditionally been offered virtually to accommodate remote participants.

To learn more or to inquire about when the course will be offered next, email