BGRi Program Overview
Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) is a supplemental orientation program specifically designed to meet incoming international undergraduate students' unique needs and concerns. Boiler Gold Rush International will take place in both West Lafayette and Indianapolis from Aug. 16-18, 2025. Students may move-in to Purdue for BGRi on Aug. 15, 2025. Those with travel delays may also move-in on Aug. 16, if necessary.
For more information about Orientation dates/deadlines, please visit our Orientation Timeline page.
Register for BGRi
International students are eligible to register for BGRi at no additional cost, after registering for BGR. Domestic students who believe they may benefit from international student specific programming may opt-in to participate in BGRi as well.
International parents and families are invited to participate in the International Parents Welcome program by the International Students & Scholars office that takes place the same week of BGR.
All registration information for BGR, BGRi, and the International Parents Welcome will open on March 3 in your New Student Task List in your myPurdue portal. More information about BGRi will be emailed to students later this summer. All information on BGR and BGRi changes, move-in details, and schedules will be made public on the BGR sections of this website. Please click on 'Boiler Gold Rush' in the 'Our Programs' tab at the top of this page, and explore the information provided.
BGR Fee Waivers
BGR Fee Waivers are also available to individuals participating in BGRi. A limited number of need-based waivers are available to cover all or half of the $375 fee. New students can find the link to the BGR Fee Waiver Application, and details on how to apply, on the New Student Task List in their MyPurdue portal.
Students applying for a fee waiver must register for BGR first for their application to be fully considered. The BGR Fee Waiver Application typically closes on July 31. All BGR Fee Waivers will show on your student account late July when the fall assessment for tuition & fees occurs.