Snow Routes

Purdue University's established snow routes on the West Lafayette campus help facilitate snow removal. If action is required, the university will notify the campus and community, including timelines and information on removing vehicles from on-street parking to temporary alternate locations. Failure to remove a vehicle from a snow route when required could result in the vehicle being ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. 

A map of the West Lafayette Campus Snow Routes is available below.

Purdue University

In the event that two or more inches of snow is forecasted, motorists may be required to move their on-street vehicles from Purdue snow routes. The university will notify the campus and community if action is required.

The Purdue snow routes include the following:

  • David Ross Road
  • Hilltop Drive
  • MacArthur Drive between Third Street and Mitch Daniels Boulevard
  • Ross-Ade Drive
  • Russell Street between Tower Drive and Stadium Avenue
  • Russell Street between Mitch Daniels Boulevard and Harrison Street
  • Third Street west of Martin Jischke Drive
  • Tower Drive
  • University Street between Tower Drive and Stadium Avenue

City of West Lafayette

The City of West Lafayette always requires motorists to move their vehicles from the city snow routes for two or more inches of snow.

On-campus City of West Lafayette snow routes include the following:

  • Airport Road
  • Cherry Lane
  • First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Streets between Russell and University Streets
  • Grant Street
  • Harrison Street/Williams Street from Martin Jischke Drive to Grant Street
  • MacArthur Drive between Mitch Daniels Boulevard and Nimitz Drive
  • Mitch Daniels Boulevard
  • Russell Street between Stadium Avenue and Mitch Daniels Boulevard
  • Stadium Avenue west of Grant Street
  • State Street
  • Waldron Street

Review the City of West Lafayette website for complete information about snow routes and procedures.


The map below outlines the snow routes established by Purdue in black, and the adjacent City of West Lafayette routes are shown in gold.

This map shows the designated campus snow routes for Purdue and the City of West Lafayette.

A PDF version of the map is also available for download.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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