Disability Permits

Limited accessible parking on campus is available, and preference will be given to permit requests that clearly demonstrate a condition or impairment that substantially limits the applicant's mobility.


Visitors may park at metered disability spaces (denoted by blue and white handicap signs) with the appropriate license plate or official handicap placard displayed on the vehicle dashboard. It is required that meter fees be paid and time limits be observed. To utilize spaces that require an "A" permit and a disability license plate or official placard, visitors may purchase a permit at the rate of $5.00 a day through the online parking portal. By Indiana state law, vehicles displaying Disabled American Veteran license plates are exempt from paying meter fees. Students and staff are prohibited from parking in metered disability spaces. Alternate accommodations are available for disabled faculty, staff and students with information available in the next section.

Faculty and Staff

To be eligible for a temporary or short-term disability reserve permit, faculty and staff must submit a completed Accessible Parking Request Form PF-25. Assigned disability parking will be determined by the location of the requestor's office or classroom, the availability of space and the duration of the disability.

Faculty and staff who need permanent or long-term accessibility parking arrangements should contact Human Resources.


Students who need short-term and long-term accessibility parking arrangements should contact the Disability Resource Center. After meeting with the DRC, they will submit a parking request to our office on your behalf.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

© 2015 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Purdue University Parking

Trouble with this page? Disability-related accessibility issue? Please contact Purdue University Parking at parking@purdue.edu.