Student and CAPS Clinician walking down the corridor at CAPS talking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for services at CAPS?

All enrolled, degree-seeking Purdue University Students (online, Indianapolis, and West Lafayette) are eligible for psychological services.

Sometimes other persons important in your life, such a partner, spouse or friend may be involved in the therapy process as well and do not have to be a Purdue student. However, spouses and partners who are not Purdue students can only participate in therapy as part of a therapy dyad with an enrolled Purdue student.

Are Purdue online students eligible for CAPS services?
Yes, Purdue Online students are eligible for CAPS services including receiving free individual therapy services through Uwill, when referred by CAPS. Uwill enables expanded service for online students living outside the state of Indiana. Uwill offers online students at Purdue free and flexible access to a therapist of their choice through proprietary technology that facilitates direct appointments with licensed mental health counselors – regardless of location.

Uwill services are initiated after a brief screening and referral from CAPS. CAPS offers same-day/next-day services for any student seeking care. For more information, call 765-494-6995.
Does CAPS offer online treatment services?

CAPS is now offering online treatment services to all Purdue Online students through UWill, a third-party telehealth option for students seeking services.

Uwill offers online students at Purdue free and flexible access to a therapist of their choice through proprietary technology that facilitates direct appointments with licensed mental health counselors – regardless of location. Uwill has a network of independently licensed mental health counselors in all 50 states and around the world. Matches are based on student needs and preferences (including language).

Purdue Online students can connect with CAPS through a brief screening and then receive support through UWill, which can include an appointment with a licensed therapist. This resource will also be available to Purdue Indianapolis and West Lafayette students when appropriate and referred by CAPS.

Will the services at CAPS cost me anything?
Most services at CAPS are provided to students at no charge with the exception of our psychiatric services. For more information, please visit our fees policy page
If I go to CAPS for help, does that mean there is something wrong with me?
No. Students who use CAPS are interested in their personal growth and adjustment to the world around them. Students face normal developmental concerns and academic pressures while at Purdue and, at times, may feel anxious, angry, lonely or depressed. CAPS staff members are trained professionals who help students explore alternative coping strategies and ways of dealing with themselves and the world.
Why do people consider therapy?
Therapy is a partnership between an individual and a professional who is licensed and/or trained to help people understand their feelings and assist them with changing their behavior.

People often consider therapy under the following circumstances:
  • They feel an overwhelming and prolonged sense of sadness and helplessness in their futures.
  • Their emotional difficulties make it hard for them to function day to day. For example, they are unable to concentrate on assignments and their class performance suffers as a result.
  • Their actions are harmful to themselves or others.
  • They are troubled by emotional difficulties facing family members or close friends.
  • They just need someone with whom to talk.
What does research show about the effectiveness of therapy?
According to a research summary from the Stanford University School of Medicine, therapy effectively decreased peoples' depression and anxiety-related symptoms, such as pain, fatigue and nausea. Therapy has also been found to increase survival time after heart surgery, for people with cancer and it can have positive effects on the body's immune system. Research increasingly supports the idea that emotional and physical health are closely linked and that therapy can improve a person's overall health status.

There is convincing evidence that most people who have at least several sessions of therapy are better off than untreated individuals who are having emotional difficulties.
If I begin therapy, how do I gain the most from it?
There are many approaches to therapy and various formats in which it may occur, including individual, group, and couples. Despite the variations, all therapy is a two-way process that works especially well when you and your therapist or psychologist communicate openly. Research shows that the outcome of therapy is improved when the therapist or psychologist and the client agree early about what the major problems are and how therapy can help.

You and your therapist or psychologist both have responsibilities in establishing and maintaining a good working relationship. Be clear with your therapist or psychologist about your concerns that may arise. Therapy works best when you attend all scheduled sessions and give some forethought as to what you want to discuss during each session.

Therapy isn't easy, but individuals willing to work in close partnership with their therapist or psychologist often find relief from their emotional distress and begin to lead more productive and fulfilling lives.
How can I evaluate whether therapy is working for me?
As you begin therapy, you should establish clear goals with your therapist or psychologist. Perhaps you want to overcome feelings of hopelessness associated with feelings of depression. Or maybe you would like to control a fear that disrupts your daily life. Keep in mind that certain tasks require more time to accomplish than others. You may need to adjust your goals depending on how long you plan to be in therapy.

After a few sessions, it is a good sign if you feel the experience truly is a joint effort and that you and your therapist or psychologist enjoy a comfortable relationship. On the other hand, you should be open with your therapist or psychologist if you find yourself feeling "stuck" or lacking direction once you have been in therapy for a while.

You may feel a wide range of emotions during therapy. Some qualms about therapy that you may have might result from the difficulty of discussing painful and troubling experiences. When this happens, it can actually be a positive sign that you are starting to explore your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

You should spend time with your therapist or psychologist periodically reviewing your progress. Although there are other considerations affecting the duration of therapy, success in reaching your primary goals should be a major factor in deciding when you should end therapy.
What if I have a general question about therapy?
If you have a general question about therapy that you have not been able to find on our site or you think it would be good to have your question referenced on this page, email your question to Kyle Kittleson, Psy.D., HSPP or call (765) 494-6995.

Last modified: July 1, 2024