A warm welcome from the staff of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). As part of Student Life, we support the mission of Purdue University as a welcoming community. CAPS is a place of inclusivity and safety for our many students who identify as international, LGBTQ and persons of color in graduate and undergraduate programs. In the spirit of cooperation and collaboration, we honor the similarities and differences in the challenges faced by International Students.
As an international student, you could be facing stressors that are unique to your experience. We understand the impact these stressors can have on one's mental health. At CAPS, we wish to support you in making sense of and honoring these experiences. We wish to help you navigate, adjust and decide how best you wish to support your overall well-being.
Some of the stressors that our international students have previously identified include homesickness, academic struggles, the lack of experience in a culturally new environment, lack of support with legal and procedural issues, feelings of isolation/loneliness, lack of readily available social support, visa related distresses, stress related to racial-ethnic identities, experiences of discrimination, financial struggles, grief/loss and many more. These stressors over time can deplete our mental and physical health, impacting our overall functioning.
Coupled with all the above-mentioned stresses, we understand the most overbearing stress of all to an international student could be the uncertainty in transitioning from one legal status to another (from F-1 to OPT, to H1-B, etc.) This major stress can be invisible and sometimes silenced, and we at CAPS wish to support you in giving that a voice.
In attempts to support our international community through these visible and invisible stresses, we are happy to let you know that we have qualified international staff therapists on the team at CAPS who may have experienced similar trajectories at one time or another and would be happy to support you in navigating your own stress related to your international status and unique living experience.
It can be particularly challenging adjusting to a new environment, culture, campus, and country. During such a time a desire to seek familiarity and comfort is instinctual, and a resource that may be unavailable for some of our international students. We greatly value the contributions you make to our campus and want to acknowledge the sacrifices you make to be part of our Boiler community! Below are some resources that may be helpful in coping with adjusting during this time. Please know that CAPS offers free individual and group options.
Purdue Academic Success Center
Purdue Center for Career Opportunities
Purdue Disability Resources Center
Purdue Office of the Dean of Students
Including Academic Support, Advocacy & Support, Campus Resources, Career & Academic Advising, Diversity & Inclusion, Financial Support, Health & Wellness, Housing & Residential Life etc.
Purdue Center for Advocacy, Response & Education
Confidential support for interpersonal violence
Purdue Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center
Events Calendar - Purdue University
Purdue Student Activities and Organizations
Now, more than ever, our home and work lives have been turned upside down as students, staff and professors. To assist with your communication when you are struggling academically or personally we have a great resource on how to talk to professors about personal matters. These suggestions have been compiled by Kate Romine, Purdue CAPS Doctoral Psychology Intern, 2020.
For specific questions related to your visa status, please visit Purdue ISS
Current locations of Embassies within the USA for Countries outside the USA.
General Resource Guide for Various types of Visas, including student visas, tourist visas, specialized employment visas, etc.
A general list of lawyers specializing in some form of immigration law in the Greater Lafayette or Indianapolis areas.
A free legal clinic for immigration issues beyond student visas.
Through short-term individual counseling or via therapy groups, CAPS offers help and support to international students who wish to process concerns, such as those related to family issues and the impact of student visa policies. Please call us at (765) 494-6995 with any additional questions about our services.
Purdue University Office of Institutional Equity
Indiana Civil Rights Commission: 317-232-2600; toll free 1-800-628-2909, email drichmond@crc.in.gov
Victim Connect Resource Center: Hate Crimes
Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council: Stop AAPI Hate
Last modified: July 3, 2024