The Engineering Fountain.

Radiology Services

The Radiology Department performs general diagnostic X-rays on all benefits-eligible Purdue staff, their spouses and dependents over the age of eight. There are charges for all radiology services. The employee portion of that charge is $25 per exam (body part), due at the time of service. The remaining balance will be billed to insurance.

We are located at 601 Stadium Mall. Parking is available at the rear of our building off of University Drive. Please enter the building through the Extended Care entrance (through the covered ramp). Check-in is located in the Radiology Department on the ground floor of PUSH.

Services are available Monday through Friday from 30 minutes after PUSH opens to 30 minutes before PUSH closes. We are also open on Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. during the academic year. Please remember to bring a written order, your insurance card, your photo ID and a credit card or HSA card with you to your visit.

Last modified: December 12, 2024