The Gateway Arch.

Medical and Prescription Plan Eligibility

The Purdue University Student Insurance plan is available to all full-time students on the West Lafayette or Statewide Technology campuses. Purdue University Northwest and Fort Wayne students should contact their regional campus for more information.

Students must actively attend classes for at least the first 31 days after the date for which coverage is purchased. Unless otherwise stated, home study, correspondence, internet and television courses do not fulfill the eligibility requirements that the student actively attend classes. AHP maintains its right to investigate eligibility to verify that the policy eligibility requirements have been met. If the eligibility requirements have not been met, the only obligation of AHP is to refund the premium.

Other eligibility requirements differ depending on plan. Please refer to the individual policy brochure for complete information. Eligible students may add/drop dependents on their plans either during open enrollment or within 30 days of a life event. Life events consist of: loss of coverage on another plan, marriage, birth, adoption, death, entering or leaving the U.S.

  • Domestic Students (US Citizens and Permanent Residents): Undergraduates, graduate students non-funded or funded less than 20 hours/week, fellowship students (not administered as graduate assistantship) and their dependents.

    All registered West Lafayette campus domestic students taking six or more credit hours and degree seeking are eligible to enroll in the University Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan. All qualified fellows on the West Lafayette campus are eligible to enroll in this insurance plan.
  • International Students: Undergraduates, graduate students non-funded, or funded less than 20 hours/week, fellowship students (not administered as graduate assistantship) and their dependents.

    All international students who are registered, regardless of credit hours, or in an approved professional certificate program at Purdue West Lafayette campus must enroll in the mandatory University Health Insurance plan unless you meet the criteria for a waiver.
  • Graduate Student Staff: Must be funded 20 hours/week or more, fellowship students being administered as graduate assistantship

    All graduate teaching or research assistants and graduate administrative staff employed .5 FTE or more, and all fellowship students being administered as graduate assistantships .5 FTE or more and their dependents, are eligible to enroll in this plan. These students are also eligible to enroll in the student plans with their dependents at a cost savings, please research your options.

Graduate student staff must enroll during the open enrollment period at the beginning of the academic year or within 30 days of their start date or the university's premium contribution will be forfeited.

New graduate student staff hired after the enrollment period must enroll within 30 days of their start date. Insurance coverage becomes effective on the 1st of the month prior to your start date.

Last modified: December 12, 2024