PUSH exterior

What to Expect

At PUSH we understand that this may be the first time that you are making healthcare decisions for yourself and that might be a little intimidating to some. So we want to make this as easy and stress free as possible.

During your visit at PUSH you will receive care from a board-certified provider whose primary purpose is to keep you healthy so that you can focus on your educational and personal goals. During your visit, you may talk to other health professionals, such as:

  • Medical assistant – Takes you to the exam room, records your medical history, helps you prepare for tests and treatments and answers questions about your care.
  • Phlebotomist – Draws your blood samples to send to a lab for testing.
  • Imaging tech – Takes X-ray scans.

PUSH stairwell entrance

Arriving at PUSH

PUSH is located at 601 Stadium Mall Drive. All patients must check in at the Welcome Desk located on the main floor of the building, which can be accessed through the entrance facing the Purdue Mall. One of our Welcome Desk staff members will be there to greet you when you arrive. If you have scheduled the appointment in advance, there may be documents in your Patient Portal that should be completed prior to your arrival. 

PUSH Welcome Desk


If you have not already completed your check-in documents, we will help you to get those completed and verify your date of birth, address, phone number and insurance information.  Then you will be given instructions on any additional documents or questionnaires that need to be completed on your phone and where to go to wait for your appointment.

For more detailed information about your visit you can choose from the options below.



PUSH Medical Examination Room

After a brief wait a member of our nursing staff will call your first name and meet with you in an exam room. Depending on the type of visit, any of the following may occur:

  • You will be asked to verify your name and date of birth.
  • You may be asked for more information about the reason for your visit.
  • You may be asked for a list of your current medications.
  • You may be asked if you have had any surgeries or hospitalizations.
  • You may be asked if you have any allergies.
  • Your height and weight may be measured.
  • A brief vision test may be completed.
  • Your vitals: temperature, pulse, blood pressure and oxygen levels will be measured
  • Depending upon your symptoms, you may be tested for the flu, COVID-19 or have a urine test completed.

Once any of the necessary items from above are completed, your physician or nurse practitioner will meet with you.

  • They will ask additional questions to better understand your symptoms and issues.
  • They will confirm the history taken by the nursing staff to confirm accuracy.
  • Any necessary examination will be performed.
  • If tests were performed earlier in the visit, the results will be reviewed.
  • Upon completion of this assessment, your provider will make a diagnosis and provide a treatment plan, along with defining any follow-up that may be needed.
  • Treatment plans may include directions for self-care, medication, labs, ancillary testing, referrals to specialists outside of PUSH, etc.
Allergy & Immunization

Allergy and Immunizations Administration

After your initial check in on the main floor, you will stop briefly at the Welcome Desk located in our allergy and immunization area on the ground floor of PUSH, Room 23. You will then have a brief wait until one of our nursing staff calls your first name and meets with you. Depending on the type of visit, any of the following may occur:

  • You will be asked to verify your name and date of birth.
  • You may be asked more information regarding the reason for your visit.
  • You may be asked for a list of your current medications.
  • You may be asked if you have any allergies.

Once all of this information is collected you will receive the allergy injection(s) or immunization(s).

After your appointment you may be asked to remain in the waiting area for a brief time to ensure that there is no adverse reaction.


Radiology Appointment room

After your initial check in on the main floor, you will stop briefly at the Welcome Desk located in our Radiology Department located on the ground floor of PUSH, Room 26. You will then have a brief wait until one of our radiology technologists calls your first name and meets with you in one of our exam rooms.

At that time you will be asked to verify your name and date of birth. Radiology exams, or X-rays, are painless and take only a few moments. In order to complete the exam, you will be positioned by the radiology technologist and asked to be completely still while the X-ray is completed. 

Results of your exam are communicated to you by the ordering provider.

Physical Therapy

Photo of equipment used in the Physical Therapy clinic at Purdue Recreation and Wellness

Physical Therapy is located in the Wellness Suite of the France A. Cordova Recreational Sports Center

  • You will check in at the Welcome Desk located just inside the Wellness Suite. If you have not already completed your check-in documents, we will help you to get those completed and verify your date of birth, address, phone number, and insurance information. 
  • Next, you will meet with one of our physical therapists, who will discuss your concerns in detail, perform an examination and create a treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.
  • Treatment plans may include exercises in the clinic, therapeutic modalities, manual therapy or other interventions to help improve function and decrease pain. 
  • The session will conclude with a summary of findings, a home exercise program, advice for home/class/exercise/sleep etc. and a follow-up plan including setting up future physical therapy visits.

After Your Appointment

After your appointment you will be sent an after-visit summary that contains all the pertinent information about your visit. This information can be accessed through your Patient Portal.

After every appointment you will be offered a patient satisfaction survey through your Patient Portal. This is a great way to let us know how we are doing.


Last modified: December 12, 2024