Medical doctor with clipboard.

Medical Services

Our board certified doctors and nurse practitioners provide acute, chronic and preventive primary care services in a confidential judgment-free environment. Services are by appointment and you are encouraged to see the same provider whenever you need care. Get to know our providers on our provider biography pages.

Prescription Management of ADD/ADHD

Patients may be evaluated for a potential or existing diagnosis of ADD/ADHD. There are several options for medication treatment for ADHD. PUSH physicians and nurse practitioners prescribe non-stimulant medications. This policy is designed to promote student safety, since stimulant medications are controlled substances with a risk of abuse and dependence and can have serious adverse effects if combined with substances of abuse. 

General Information About ADHD Treatment at PUSH

PUSH promotes individualized, comprehensive treatment of ADHD. While medication treatment can provide some benefits, it may not be recommended for all students with an ADHD diagnosis as active engagement in psychotherapy is the basic standard for care. Psychological treatment to improve coping, stress management and organizational skills is an important part of treatment that can provide long-term benefits for those with ADHD and can help to address symptoms that may not respond to medication treatment. For this reason, recommended treatment may include medication, individual therapy, ADHD coaching, group therapy or a combination of these modalities depending upon symptom severity and individual areas of functional difficulty. If care at PUSH is established, your provider(s) will work with you to determine an individualized treatment plan. Although PUSH does not directly offer psychological treatment, we are partnered with our campus collaborators at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). A patient may elect to use the psychological counseling resources at CAPS or they may elect to receive psychological counseling from off-campus resources.

We look forward to working with you.

Diagnosed with ADHD by a previous clinician:

If you have previously been diagnosed with and treated for ADHD by another clinician:

To provide comprehensive, evidence-based treatment of this condition, PUSH will need a copy of any psychological testing report and any other supporting documentation (such as treatment records). It is preferred that medical documentation is faxed directly to PUSH at fax # 765-494-1596 by your current provider. Please include a completed and signed Release of Information, with current contact information and reasons noted for care services to be transferred. As a less desirable alternative, you may bring copies of these medical records to PUSH at the time of your visit.

No ADHD diagnosis:

If you have not previously been diagnosed with ADHD but would like to be evaluated for this condition, PUSH will provide an initial evaluation appointment with one of our clinicians. The purpose of this visit is to fully understand your concerns and symptoms, consider alternative or additional diagnoses and design an individualized, comprehensive plan to address your concerns and symptoms. Another purpose of this appointment is to determine whether referral for a psychological testing battery is necessary to definitively establish a diagnosis of ADHD. If a testing battery is needed, community referrals will be provided.

It is not uncommon for mood difficulties to co-exist with symptoms of ADHD. Testing will help determine if this is the case for you. When this occurs, it is important to address the mood difficulties prior to ADHD medication.

Sexual & Reproductive Health Services

We provide confidential exams and counseling for patients of any gender related to sexual and reproductive health. Chaperones are available for any sensitive exams and treatment. Our services include:

  • Routine examinations and screenings.
  • Birth control options, including subdermal implants.
  • Sexually transmitted infection testing, information and treatment.
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV prevention.
  • Sexual assault care.
Eating Disorder Care

At PUSH, we recognize that disordered eating is a serious concern. PUSH provides confidential, compassionate and individualized care for patients with these complex medical disorders.

Our providers believe that a coordinated multidisciplinary team approach is the safest and most effective way to treat these disorders. If you choose to seek care at PUSH, we will work as a team with your other care providers.

Call today at 765-494-1700 to schedule your first appointment.

Covid-19 and Respiratory Illness Management

The CDC no longer recommends isolation for a COVID-19 diagnosis. It is now approached like all other respiratory illnesses such as colds, the flu and RSV. However, it is recommended that you not be around others until you have no fever (temperature of 100.4 F or 38 C or higher) for 24 hours and your symptoms are improving. You should mask around others for an additional five days beyond that. For additional information, please visit the CDC website.

Last modified: December 12, 2024